DSWD Ayuda sa Kapos ang Kita Program (AKAP)


To address the painstaking rising inflation, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) is tasked to implement and provide financial assistance to minimum wage earners in the Philippines under the low-income category both from formal and non-formal sector through … Read more

OWWA Medical Aid: How OFWs Can Get MEDplus


If you are an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) who is seeking for medical help because of a disease or because you were hospitalized, whether you are in your job site or while you are in the Philippines, then the Overseas … Read more

Benefits of the DOST Scholarship for Students

Benefits of DOST Scholarships

Are you dreaming of pursuing a higher education in science and technology? The DOST Scholarship could be your ticket to making that dream a reality. But how much money can you actually get from it? Let’s break it down. What … Read more