STUDY ANY MASTER’S COURSE AT ANY UK UNIVERSITY: Here’s Chevening Scholarships Program AY 2024-2025

Welcome to the exciting opportunity of pursuing a master’s course at any UK university through the prestigious Chevening Scholarships for the academic year 2024-2025. This renowned scholarship program opens doors to a world-class education, enabling scholars to immerse themselves in diverse academic fields while experiencing the rich cultural tapestry of the United Kingdom. If you’re ready to embark on a transformative academic journey, the Chevening Scholarships offer a gateway to excellence and global perspectives!

Who can apply for the scholarships?

As per the given criteria, interested applicant must:

  1. be a citizen of one of 160+ Chevening-eligible countries or territories (including Philippines);
  2. have completed an undergraduate degree that will enable you to apply for a postgraduate course at a UK university;
  3. have at least two years of work experience;
  4. not have previously studied in the UK through a UK Government funded scholarship;
  5. demonstrate outstanding future leadership potential.

What are the benefits under the scholarships?

  • The scholarships are FULLY-FUNDED. The package include flights, accommodation, and course fees are all included, you are free to focus on achieving your professional goals and maximising the 1 year experience of a lifetime.


The process of selecting Chevening Scholars takes a minimum of eight months from the application deadline to when applicants are conditionally selected for an award. Here is an overview of the application and selection process.

  1. Start of Application: SEPTEMBER 12, 2023
  2. Application Deadline: November 7, 2023
  3. Applications are sifted against eligibility and criteria: From November 8 onwards
  4. Reading Committee Assessments: Mid-November to December 2023
  5. Applicants shortlisted for interviews: Early to Mid-February 2024
  6. References and education documents deadline: February 2024
  7. Interviews take place: February 26- April 26, 2024
  8. Results: From June 2024 onwards
  9. Offer Deadline: July 11, 2024
  10. Studies begin in the UK: September/October 2024

How to file your application?

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how you can apply. For more details, access this link.

Source: Chevening Awards (FCDO)

Disclaimer: All of our scholarship articles are for informational purposes only. We are not directly related to the entities being featured. The source/s are indicated at the end of every article so you can further check the legitimacy of our posts.

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