DOST-PCHRD opens scholarship applications to be conducted in Thailand

The Department of Science and Technology–Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD) has joined forces with Faculty of Tropical Medicine (FTM), Mahidol University- SEAMEO TROPMED Thailand in order to make two scholarship programs possible for the year 2024 namely Foreign Graduate Scholarship (FGS) Programs in Tropical Medicine.

The scholarships offered are Doctor of Philosophy in Tropical Medicine and Master of Science in Tropical Medicine which shall allow scholars to conduct health research through teaching and research for advanced knowledge in tropical medicine. In results, health system needs in the Philippines shall be developed and strengthened its capacity.

This initiative will further provide exciting opportunities for research training particularly on tropical diseases. Its goal is to provide chances to deserving students to have their study in Thailand and acquire their graduate degrees.

Additionally, the scholarships will create a list of high-quality human resources who will contribute to the Philippines’ global competitiveness and economic development.

Doctor of Philosophy in Tropical Medicine

For the Ph.D study, scholars will have an active learning experience in a well-equipped laboratory and at field site allowing them to achieve multidisciplinary knowledge and skills in Tropical Medicine.

As for the degree studies, there will be three-year multidisciplinary program, offering broad areas in Tropical Medicine including Protozoology, Helminthology, Medical Entomology, Microbiology and Immunology, Social and Environmental Medicine, Tropical Hygiene, Tropical Nutrition and Food Science, Tropical Pathology and Molecular Tropical Medicine and Genetics.

Master of Science in Tropical Medicine

For Master’s on the other hand, scholars will have the opportunity to embrace a life-long learning in scientific research, improve their soft and communication skills, and create leadership ability.

This scheme shall be a two-year program merely focusing on equipping students with scientific knowledge on tropical diseases, public health and related subjects. It shall provide a balanced education to scholars that comprised knowledge, skills, and moral values.

This initiatives shall include one (1) position for the PhD program and two (2) positions for the MSc program at FTM Mahidol University―SEAMEO TROPMED Thailand annually, provided that there are available funds.

Now, in order to qualify for the scholarships offering, an applicant must possess the eligible criteria asked by DOST-PCHRD.

One must be a Filipino citizen; in good health condition; not be more than 50 years old at the time of application; have completed BSc/MSc degree in related field of study; and have an outstanding academic record.

He or she must also pass the admission requirements of Mahidol University for the MSc/PhD study; and pass the interview and other screening procedures.

The scholar must have a research interests aligned with the National Unified Health Research Agenda (NUHRA) and Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda (HNRDA).

Further, he or she must conduct his or her research for the entire duration of the scholarship and of the MSc/PhD program.

Lastly, upon conditions, he or she must be willing to render the required service obligation for a period equivalent to twice the length of time or a fraction thereof that they enjoyed the MSc/PhD scholarship.

The scholarships will cover all the expenses of the scholars which include tuition and other school fees; learning materials and/or connectivity allowance; outright thesis/dissertation grant (upon request); pre-departure expenses (one-time only); one round-trip economy fare from residence to Thailand (start and end of the scholarship period only); living/subsistence allowance; and health and accident insurance.

Applications shall be entertained until April 30, 2024. Ready to embark on a journey in Thailand? Visit DOST-PCHRD’s website now to file your application.


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