DOST-PCHRD opens applications for Undergraduate Thesis Grant

Interested to pursue a thesis in natural products? The Department of Science and Technology– Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD) is currently offering a program named Undergraduate Thesis Grant in Natural Products until May 31, 2024.

This initiative will support all undergraduate students who are interested in conducting their thesis on natural products from plants and microorganisms.

This program being conducted each year aims to maintain a research culture in natural products in order to raise the number of research and consequently build a pool of researchers or experts specializing in the field.

Additionally, the program intends to support the Drug Discovery and Development (Tuklas Lunas) program of the DOST-PCHRD in developing safe, effective, and affordable alternative drugs from the Philippines’ natural resources.

Eligible applicants for the grant includes all undergraduate students taking Pharmacy, Chemistry, Nursing, and Health and Allied Sciences who have thesis proposals on natural products.

Note that the proposed thesis study should use natural products from terrestrial or marine plants and/or microorganisms indigenous in the region.

Also, the project must be finished within five (5) to ten (10) months after receiving the grant.

There will be top two (2) qualified research proposals in the region that will receive the grant amounting to a maximum of seventy-five thousand pesos PHP 75,000.

If there will be any available funds, other qualified research proposals in the region may be also funded, subject to approval of the Selection Committee and PCHRD.

Do you desire to proceed with your application? Visit DOST-PCHRD’s website now to review more of the details about the grant.


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