Government employees to receive mid-year bonus

This might be the most awaited moment of employees who have been working in the government for quite a while, as the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has announced that yesterday, May 15, 2024, all eligible government employees are bound to receive their mid-year bonus.

As stated in the budget circular released, the mid-year bonus shall be equivalent to one (1) month of basic pay and shall be given to regular and contractual personnel provided that they have fulfilled the conditions indicated in the order.

A government employee must have rendered at least a total or an aggregate of four (4) months of service from July 1, 2023 to May 15, 2024.

Also, he or she must have kept working in government service as of May 15, 2024.

Additionally, he or she must have achieved at least a satisfactory performance rating in 2023 or any applicable performance appraisal period.

Note that upon satisfaction of the conditions, employees must also fall under the categories mentioned below.

The memorandum stated that all civilian personnel whether regular, contractual, or casual in nature, appointive or elective, full-time or part-time, are entitled to receive their mid-year bonus.

Moreover, those positions that are created in the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches, and the Constitutional Commissions can also expect their mid-year bonus.

Other Constitutional Offices, State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), and Government-Owned or Controlled Corporations (GOCCs) covered by the Compensation and Position Classification System (CPCS) and in Local Government Units (LGUs) are also eligible for the mid-year bonus.

Moreover, military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and uniformed personnel of the Philippine National Police (PNP), Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC), Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), Bureau of Corrections (BuCor), Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), and National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA) are also covered under the government mandated mid-year bonus.

“I am pleased to announce that our civil servants will receive their mid-year bonus this year. We know that this is eagerly awaited by our fellow government employees and will significantly assist them in meeting their daily needs,” Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Secretary Amenah “Mina” F. Pangandaman said.

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