Check The Dates Out: Be A Linecrew Trainee Under Meralco’s Trabaho Caravan!

In the dynamic landscape of the energy sector, the demand for skilled professionals is ever-growing. Recognizing the need to foster a new generation of adept linecrew members, Meralco, the Philippines’ leading electric distribution company, has launched an initiative that stands as a beacon of opportunity for aspiring individuals – the Linecrew Trainee Program.

Who can apply for the caravan?

Interested applicants must:

  1. be a high school graduate (senior high school or old curriculum);
  2. be 5’5 in height and up for men and 5’2 and up for women;
  3. be physically fit and have no fear of heights;
  4. have a driver’s license for a four-wheel vehicle.

Here are the following schedules for you to note down:

  1. January 8, 2024 (Meralco Balintawak Sector)
  2. January 9, 2024 (Meralco Pasig Sector)
  3. January 10, 2024 (Meralco Sta. Rosa Sector)

The caravan will start from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The cut-off time for walk-in applicants is 11:00 am.

What are the necessary documentary requirements that you must bring with you?

  1. Resume
  2. Valid IDs
  3. High school diploma

How to pre-register?

For all interested applicants, kindly visit Meralco Career’s website for more details via this LINK.


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