Modified Base Pay of Military and Uniformed Personnel (MUP) 2020

Ever wondered how much military people earn in a month? Or how much uniformed personnel gets as salary? In this article, we will be discussing the modified base pay of military and uniformed personnel this 2019. This is in accordance to the resolution signed by the House Speaker and the Senate President.

Philippine Military Salary
Image was taken from Manila Bulletin |

What did the resolution apply?

As per the joint resolution, an increase of 100 percent at the base salary of a Police Officer I (PO1) in the Philippine National Police (PNP) or a Private in the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). In addition to that, ranks equivalent to the said posts in the Bureau of Fire Protection, Philippine Public Safety College, Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, National Mapping and Resource Information Authority, and the Philippine Coast Guard, would have the same amount of increase.

Read: Philippine National Police (PNP) Modified Base Pay Schedule 2019

This modified base pay will be established in two (2) years. Moreover, the first tranche of it started on the 1st of January, 2018. The second (2nd) tranche, however, started on the 1st of January, 2019.

Here is the table of the modified base pay of military armed and uniformed personnel.

PCGNAMRIADNDUnder the DILGBase pay (Monthly)
Coast guardsman
Candidate SoldierPhp18,587.0
Apprentice Seaman/
Third Class Seaman
Apprentice Seaman/
Third Class Seaman
PrivateFire/Jail Officer IPolice Officer IPhp29,668.0
Seaman Second ClassSeaman Second ClassPrivate First ClassPhp30,261.00
Seaman First ClassSeaman First ClassCorporalFire/Jail Officer IIPolice Officer IIPhp30,867.00
Petty Officer IIIPetty Officer IIISergeantPhp31,484.00
Petty Officer IIPetty Officer IIStaff SergeantFire/Jail Officer IIIPolice Officer IIIPhp32,114.00
Petty Officer IPetty Officer ITechnical SergeantPhp43,756.00
Chief Petty OfficerChief Petty OfficerMaster SergeantSenior Fire/
Jail Officer I
Senior Police Officer IPhp33,411.00
Senior Chief Petty OfficerSenior Chief Petty OfficerSenior Master SergeantSenior Fire/
Jail Officer II
Senior Police Officer IIPhp34,079.00
Master Chief Petty OfficerMaster Chief Petty OfficerChief Master SergeantSenior Fire/
Jail Officer III
Senior Police Officer IIIPhp34,761.00
First Master Chief Petty OfficerFirst Master Chief Petty OfficerFirst Chief Master SergeantSenior Fire/
Jail Officer IV
Senior Police Officer IVPhp38,366.00
Probationary EnsignProbationary Second LieutenantPhp38,366.00
EnsignEnsignSecond LieutenantPhp48,829.00
Lieutenant Junior GradeLieutenant Junior GradeFirst LieutenantInspectorInspectorPhp49,528.00
Lieutenant Senior GradeLieutenant Senior GradeCaptainSenior InspectorSenior InspectorPhp56,582.00
Lieutenant CommanderLieutenant CommanderMajorChief InspectorChief InspectorPhp62,555.00
CommanderCommanderLieutenant ColonelSuperintendentSuperintendentPhp71,313.00
CaptainCaptainColonelSenior SuperintendentSenior SuperintendentPhp80,583.00
CommodoreCommodoreBrigadier GeneralChief SuperintendentChief SuperintendentPhp91,058.00
Rear AdmiralRear AdmiralMajor GeneralDirectorDirectorPhp102,896.00
Vice AdmiralVice AdmiralPhp114,235.00
AdmiralAdmiralLieutenant GeneralDeputy Director GeneralPhp125,574.00
GeneralDirector GeneralPhp149,785.00

How can a person attain the best ranks in this list?

Like in the corporate world, you would have to have a good mix of intelligence, guts, and training. In the following sectors, you need to have to achieve certain degrees in Education in order for you to achieve a number of stars. On the other hand, education is not the only factor in order for you to be promoted to a better and a higher rank. Of course, you would have to prove yourself by application of the education you have attained.

If you are interested in being a part of the military personnel, we have a guide on how you can do so.  As a matter of fact, the Philippine National Police (PNP) has an online utility tool designed to accommodate requests concerning people’s interests in being part of military programs. Although the PNP is the uniformed personnel, you can have an idea on how you can be part of the military as well.

You can read: A Guide to Using the PNP ORAS

Does the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law affect this?

Since the TRAIN Law discusses and modifies the salary of a certain tranche, Benjamin Diokno, Budget Secretary, said that the implementation and the effect of the TRAIN law will further increase the take home net pay of uniformed personnel. Because of the lower income taxes after the TRAIN law, some ranks can expect to have a better take-home pay.

Read: Government Professionals are Granted 1 Day to Renew Their Professional Identification Cards

Now that you know the salaries of each rank in the following sectors, are you interested in applying for any of these positions? Have you ever dreamed of being in the government service, specifically in the criminology department and achieve any of the following ranks?

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