PSA Hiring – First and Second Level Positions

The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), is hereby calling all interested applicants to apply for several vacant positions at the central and field offices. These job vacancies comprised of first and second level positions catering to various department such as administrative and information technology, among others.

Read: Department of Justice Hiring – Vacant Positions and Pertinent Information

What are the Vacant Positions for PSAHiring?

The following job vacancies are open for applications as per the PSA’s announcement:

  • One (1) Assistant National Statistician/ SG 28/ Php 154,320/ Master’s degree (strong preference is given to masters in the fields of statistics, mathematics, economics, sociology, or demography)
  • Information Systems Analyst II/ SG 16/ Bachelor’s degree relevant to the job
  • Statistical Specialist II/ SG 16/ Bachelor’s degree preferably in Statistics/ Mathematics/ Economics/ Engineering/ Computer Science/ Sociology or other related fields
  • Accountant III/ SG 19/ Bachelor’s degree in Commerce/ Business Administration major in Accounting
  • Administrative Officer III/ SG 14/ Bachelor’s degree relevant to the job
  • Registration Officer II/ SG 14/ Bachelor’s degree
  • Accountant I/ SG 12/ Bachelor’s degree in Commerce/ Business Administration major in Accounting
  • Statistical Analyst/ SG 11/ Bachelor’s degree preferably in Statistics/ Mathematics/ Economics/ Engineering/ Computer Science/ Sociology or other related fields
  • Administrative Officer I/ SG 10/ Bachelor’s degree relevant to the job
  • Registration Officer I/ SG 10/ Bachelor’s degree
  • Administrative Assistant III/ SG 9/ Completion of two-year studies in college or high school graduate with relevant vocational/trade course
  • Assistant Statistician/ SG 9/ Completion of two-year studies in college
  • Administrative Assistant II/ SG 8/ Completion of two-year studies in college or high school graduate with relevant vocational/ trade course
  • Administrative Aide VI (Clerk III)/ SG 6/ Completion of two-year studies in college
  • Supervising Statistical Specialist/ SG 22/ Bachelor’s degree preferably in Statistics/ Mathematics/ Economics/ Engineering/ Computer Science/ Sociology or other related fields
  • Information Technology Officer I/ SG 19/ Bachelor’s degree relevant to the job
  • Senior Statistical Specialist/ SG 19/ Bachelor’s degree preferably in Statistics/ Mathematics/ Economics/ Engineering/ Computer Science/ Sociology or other related fields
  • Registration Officer III/ SG 18/ Bachelor’s degree
  • Computer Maintenance Technologist II/ SG 15/Bachelor’s decree relevant to the job
  • Statistical Special I/ SG 13/ Bachelor’s degree preferably in Statistics/ Mathematics/ Economics/ Engineering/ Computer Science/ Sociology or other related fields
  • Internal Auditing Assistant/ SG 8/ Completion of two-year studies in college
  • One (1) Director II/ SG 26/ Php 121,146/ Master’s degree (strong preference is given to masters in the fields of statistics, mathematics, economics, sociology, or demography

Read: Tesla is Hiring – Now in the Philippines

What are the Necessary Documentary Requirements for PSA Hiring?

Applicants are required to submit the following documents:

  • scanned copy of signed application letter;
  • scanned copy of duly accomplished personal data sheet (PDS);
  • scanned copy of signed work experience sheet;
  • scanned copy of transcript of records;
  • scanned copy of certificate of trainings; and
  • scanned copy of affidavit of informed consent, waiver and undertaking of compliance.

Read: DPWH Hiring – Requirement and How to Apply

How to Apply for PSA Hiring?

PSA invites all interested applicants to apply for any of the vacancies abovementioned regardless of their status and circumstances. As such, applicants are advised to visit PSA’s offic
ial website to learn more about the job opportunities via this link.

Application Deadline: September 26, 2024

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) 

Disclaimer: All of our job hiring articles are for informational purposes only. We are not directly related to the entities being featured. The source/s are indicated at the end of every article so you can further check the legitimacy of our posts.

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3 thoughts on “PSA Hiring – First and Second Level Positions”

  1. Good day po, I am interested the job positions that qualified on my past work experienced. Here\’s my resume for your reference. Thank you.


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