Luis Chavit Singson is giving away Php 7m on his birthday

Chavit Singson is giving away Php 7m on his birthday

Birthday is one of the things to be celebrated of which serve as a reminder of personal growth and achievements of an individual. This can also be the perfect occasions in order to gather loved ones giving a prime opportunity to share joy and happiness. As Luis Chavit turns 83 on his upcoming birthday, he … Read more

Government employees to receive mid-year bonus

Mid Year Bonus

This might be the most awaited moment of employees who have been working in the government for quite a while, as the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has announced that yesterday, May 15, 2024, all eligible government employees are bound to receive their mid-year bonus. As stated in the budget circular released, the mid-year … Read more

Thousands Of Taiwan and Hong Kong OFWs To Receive Pay Hikes In Accordance To New Wage Order

Taiwan and HongKong Wage Hike

Fun fact: Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) are considered a huge source of income for the Philippines. According to government data, OFW remittances account for 8.9% of Gross Domestic Product. Hence, thousands of OFWs based in Taiwan and Hong Kong are set to receive a pay hike next year due to a new wage order, according … Read more