Gokongwei: Cebu Pacific Airlines To Hire Thousands Of Pilots, Aircraft Mechanics And Cabin Crew

Cebu Pacific Hiring

Prior to a record $12 billion order for new aircraft, Cebu Pacific has laid up aggressive employment plans for thousands of pilots, mechanics, and cabin staff over the next few years. High School Graduates Can Now Apply as a Flight Attendant According to Inquirer.Net, as the airline anticipates hiring some 1,500 new pilots to fly … Read more

K12 Pinoy Graduates Are Qualified to Apply as Cabin Crew or a Flight Attendant

K12 Pinoy Graduates to be accepted in the tourism industry

Many Filipinos dream of working as a tourism specialist—to work for an airlines company or in an airplane. Since this is the case, many people take on the tourism side to be able to work in the tourism industry. Good news because K12 Pinoy graduates are qualified to be a part of the cabin crew … Read more