Apply as a PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group (ACG)

With the technological advances that we have today, it’s quite evident that some government departments have advancements, too. In fact, one of the most recent ones and rather one of the more important is from the Philippine National Police (PNP).

The PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNP-ACG) is currently looking for people who are qualified to be applicants to their cyber cop positions. In this article, we will be discussing everything aspiring applicants need to know if they plan on being part of the PNP-ACG, as well as what it is and how they can apply.

Read: Philippine National Police (PNP) Modified Base Pay Schedule 2019

What is a cyber cop?

Just like in the movies, a cyber cop is a member of the police force who has vast knowledge in the technological industry. More so, it’s the place where he can get leads or clues for him to be able to perform his job better and correctly.

Yes, the PNP currently has a post of this and they are looking for people who are qualified to be a part of their team.

What are the qualifications on being part of the PNP-Anti-Cybercrime group and to be a cyber cop?

Just like any other post, there are general eligibility requirements people need to meet if they plan on working for a specific company or working as a specific post.

  1. Must be of good moral character;
  2. Must be a citizen of the Philippines;
  3. Have passed the following examinations. NOTE: This will come and be required after all of the requirements are passed; these will be administered by the PNP)
    • Psychological Test
    • Psychiatric Test
    • Drug Test
    • Physical and Mental Test
  4. Must not have been convicted by any offense or crime which involves mortal turpiture and/or by final judgement;
  5. Should have or hold a formal baccalaureate degree from any learning institution that is recognized;
  6. Should have a weight of not more or less than five (5) kilograms from the standard for his or her weight, sex, and age;
  7. Must never have been dishonorably discharged from military employment or any way dismissed for cause from any type of civilian position in the government;
  8. Should be at least one (1) meter and sixty-two (62) centimeters (1.62cm) for male. Females have a height requirement of at least one (1) meter and fifty-seven (57) centimeters (1.57cm);
  9. Must not be less than twenty-one (21) years old or more than thirty years old (30) at the time of application; and
  10. Should possess any of the following eligibility passed:
    • Republic Act No. 1080 (PRC and BAR Exams)
    • PNP Entrance Exam (NAPOLCOM)
    • PD. No. 907 or the CS Eligibility to College Honor Graduates; and
    • A Civil Service Professional

If you think that you pass all of these qualifications and eligibility requirements, you should try if you yearn to be part of the police force but in a slightly different way.

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Documentary requirements in applying for a cyber cop

Of course, in order for the PNP to further validate you and your claim, there needs to be documents of your own claim and personality. These would be the required documentation that you would have to submit:

  1. PSA-Certified (Previously NSO) Birth Certificate
  2. An Authenticated Certificate of Eligibility
  3. Civil Service Personal Data Sheet
  4. Local Clearances:
    1. Police Clearance
    2. RTC/MTC
    3. NBI Clearance
    4. Barangay Clearance
  5. Medical Certificate which are administered by the PNP
  6. Two (2) pieces of 2×2 black and white photo with a name tag; One (1) bust picture; and one (1) whole body photo
  7. Both Handwriting Specimen and Fingerprint (NAPOLCOM)
  8. Transcript of Records (ToR)/Diploma

How can a person apply to be a cyber cop for the PNP

In a previous article, we discussed the PNP ORAS and how aspiring applicants can utilize it. In applying as a cyber cop, you just have to do the same thing.

Go to -> Hit on the Join Now button which is colored blue in the web page. If you are not sure how you can register via the PNP ORAS, you can follow our guide by clicking here.

On the other hand, applicants can proceed with a walk-in application. All they have to do is to secure that they: pass the qualification requirements with no miss, must have all of the required documentation ready when they proceed to any site or quarters, and to be ready for the application.

Read: Different Job Opportunities from Different Philippine Government Departments

PNP Headquarters:

  1. Regional Anti-Cybercrime Units (RACU) 1 (La Union: Camp Florendo, San Fernando City).
  2. Regional Anti-Cybercrime Units (RACU) 2 (Camp Marcelo A Adduru in Tuguegarao City)
  3. Regional Anti-Cybercrime Units (RACU) 3 (Pampanga: Camp Olivas in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga)
  4. Regional Anti-Cybercrime Units (RACU) 4A (Laguna: Camp Vicente Lim in Calamba City)
  5. Regional Anti-Cybercrime Units (RACU) 5 (Bicol: In care of 5RCIDU, Camp Simeon Ola in Legaspi City, Albay)
  6. Regional Anti-Cybercrime Units (RACU) 6 (Camp Delgado in Iloilo City)
  7. Regional Anti-Cybercrime Units (RACU) 7 (Cebu: PPO Compound, Gaisano St., in Sudlon, Lahug)
  8. Regional Anti-Cybercrime Units (RACU) 8 (Camp Kangleon in Palo, Leyte)
  9. Regional Anti-Cybercrime Units (RACU) 9 (In care of 9RCIDU, Camp General Eduardo Batalla, Justice RT Lim Boulevard in Zamboanga City)
  10. Regional Anti-Cybercrime Units (RACU) 10 (Camp Alagar in Cagayan de Oro (CDO) City)
  11. Regional Anti-Cybercrime Units (RACU) 11 (In care of 11RCIDU, Camp Leonor, San Pedro St., in Davao City)
  12. Regional Anti-Cybercrime Units (RACU) 12 (RCIDU Building, Camp Fermin G Lira Jr. in General Santos City)
  13. Regional Anti-Cybercrime Units (RACU) 13 (Camp Col Rafael C. Rodrigues, Libertad, in Butuan City)
  14. Regional Anti-Cybercrime Units (RACU) Cordillera (RACO-COR: Camp Bado Dangwa in La Trinidad, Benguet)
  15. PNP ACG Headquarters in Camp Crame, Quezon City
  16. Quezon City District Anti-Cybercrime Team (QCDACT)

Benefits of being a member of the PNP

Other than the fact that you will be a worker of the country for the government and for the good of the Philippines, employees or workers of the Philippine National Police are given tons of different pays like Combat Incentive Pay, Flying Pay, Sea Duty Pay, and many more.

Read: Want to Join the Philippine Army? Here’s What You Need

Although it’s quite dangerous if taken by the norm, it’s something that is honorable for both you and your family for you to be part of the people defending our country and lands from external invaders and those who want it broken from the inside.

How much is the entry level salary of police officers, by the way?

For those of you who are not aware, the effective monthly salary of Police Officer 1 (PO1) Patrolman or Patrolwoman, is currently at P29, 668. We aren’t certain whether this includes all the allowances or not but that’s the entry level salary of a PO1 Officer.

Are you looking to be part of the PNP? Well, a chance at it which is by being part of the PNP Anti-Cybercrime Department is now here! If you have a bit or two of knowledge in technology and want to serve the country, here’s your chance!

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