Call for Submission: 2023 World Trade Organization Essay Award

Do you have a knock on writing quality essays? An opportunity is awaiting you, as young economists are invited to submit articles for the 2023 Essay Award organized by the World Trade Organization (WTO).

The award seeks to strengthen ties between the academic community and the WTO while fostering top-notch research on international trade cooperation and trade policy.

What are the eligibilities to be considered?

The topic of the essay must be trade policy and global trade cooperation. The author(s) of the manuscript must hold a PhD or be working toward one, and if over 30, they must not have completed their PhD defense more than two years ago. This criterion shall apply to all authors of coauthored papers. Essays must not be more than 15,000 words.

What do winners get in return?

The winner(s) of the yearly WTO Essay Award get a cash reward of CHF 5,000 (Php 296,400). If a manuscript is co-authored, the award will be split equally between the authors. The largest conference devoted to international trade, the European Trade Study Group (ETSG) annual meeting, will be where the winning paper is formally presented. The award presentation will take place at the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom from September 14–16, 2023. The meeting’s expenses will be covered for the winning author.

How will the papers be selected?

The best article will be judged and chosen by academic selection panel. The panel is made up of:

  1. Professor Beata Javorcik (University of Oxford)
  2. Professor Robert Staiger (Dartmouth College)
  3. Professor Academician Alberto Trejos (INCAE Business School).

Application Period:

Essays must be submitted by June 2, 2023

Eligible papers will be shortlisted by June 16, 2023

Final decision will be declared by July 7, 2023

Note: Only the author(s) of short-listed essays will be notified.

How to submit your entry?

For all interested applicants, kindly go to the website of World Trade Organization regarding the application process through this link:

Source: World Trade Organization

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