(LMIA approved) Factory Workers for Canada

  1. JOB: Factory Wokers
  2. SALARY: CAD 18- 35 (PHP 777 – 1500) per hour
  3. Experience: No experience required.

Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)

The Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is a document that an employer in Canada may need to receive prior to hiring a foreign worker.

When a Canadian employer is seeking to hire a foreign worker, it must first be determined if an LMIA is needed or if the position is LMIA-exempt before applying for a work permit.

A work permit allows a foreign worker to legally work in Canada and is granted by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada if applying online or in paper, or by Canada Border Services Agency if applying in person at a port of entry. If the position that the employer is hiring the foreign worker for requires an LMIA, it must be confirmed before a Canadian employer can hire a temporary foreign worker in Canada.

A positive LMIA, sometimes called a confirmation letter, indicates that there is a need for the temporary foreign worker and that no Canadians or permanent residents of Canada are available to do the job.

To obtain an LMIA, an employer must send an application to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program administered by Employment and Social Development Canada.

There are some exceptions which allow a Canadian employer to hire a foreign worker and for the foreign worker to be issued a work permit without an LMIA confirmation. There is a list of LMIA-exempt jobs and their corresponding exemption codes provided by the Government of Canada.

With the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting high unemployment rate in Canada, Service Canada has delayed the processing of certain types of LMIA applications. As of August 2020, there is an indication that the Owner Operator category of LMIA processing has resumed.

On April 1st, 2021, Service Canada removed the Owner Operator advertising variation and the alternative approach for a business owner now requires an advertising period and can be successfully navigated as a Self-Employed LMIA.

Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP)

The Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) is a program of the Government of Canada that allows employers in Canada to hire foreign nationals. Workers brought in under the program are referred to as Temporary Foreign Workers (TFWs) and are allowed to work in positions that are not filled by Canadians. The aim was to address skill shortages and promote economic growth. Initially, the program was aimed at nurses and farm workers, but today it gives highly skilled and less skilled workers the opportunity to work in Canada.

Work Permit

Canada work permits are issued under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) by Canada immigration and Citizenship.

The TFWP has four streams: high-skilled workers, low-skilled workers, the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program, and the Live-In Caregiver Program.

The Canadian work permit is divided into two which include are the “open work permits” and “employer-specific work permits.” With an open work permit, an applicant can work for any employer, but an employer-specific work permit allows the applicant to work for only one employer.

It is required that you already have a job offer before applying for a work permit, although in some cases, you can apply for a work permit without a job offer.

For you to apply for a work permit in Canada, you would have to apply for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), as this is the most used approach. It would then be the duty of the Canadian employer to undertake domestic recruitment efforts and agrees that no Canadian permanent residents or citizens are qualified for the position at hand. After a positive LMIA has been issued to the applicant, they can go ahead to apply for a work permit.

Below are the available LMIA approved Factory Worker jobs in Canada, you may check the link to apply: https://canadianjobbank.org/factory-workers-jobs/.

Source: Canadian Job Bank

About Canadian Job Bank: Canadian Job Bank is an employment service and they are providing the leading source of jobs and labour market information in Canada.


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13 thoughts on “(LMIA approved) Factory Workers for Canada”

  1. hi mam/sir .. i’m applying for factory worker.. i’m ex-taiwan for 4 years as factory worker.. i hope you will give me a chance to work in canada for my family,,


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