CSC Releases the Schedule of Computerized Career Service Exams for the 1st Half of 2019

Good news for those who are planning to take the Civil Service Commission Computerized Career Service Examination (CSC-COMEX) this year. The CSC released the thirteen (13) schedules of the COMEX for the first part of this year.

To give you a brief refresher, the CSC COMEX is the computerized system or mode of administration of the Career Service Examination (CSE). This is like an alternative or a totally different way than the traditional Pen and Paper Test (PPT) which is held at least twice per year.

Is this news legitimate?

This is totally true as this announcement was made by the CSC via their press release. If you still find it unusual, you can check their website by clicking on this link here. You can check the schedules of the exams there further.

Read: Government Professionals are Granted 1 Day to Renew Their Professional Identification Cards

In total, there will be nine (9) examinations at the CSC Central Office which is located in Batasan Hills, Quezon City. In addition to that, there will be four (4) exam schedules for the regional offices.

What is the schedule?

The moment we’ve all been waiting for and the main reason why you are reading this right now. The COMEX will start on the 29th of January of this year. The following dates would be:

  • February 12, 2019;
  • March 26, 2019;
  • April 23, 2019;
  • April 30, 2019;
  • May 15, 2019;
  • May 21, 2019; and
  • June 11, 2019

NOTE: The February 19, 2019 is for a subprofessional level. On the other hand, the June 11, 2019 exam is for the professional level. Both of which is for the CSC Central Office. On the other hand, the COMEX is set to be scheduled on the 11th of April, the 9th of May, and the 7th of June for the professional level. The subprofessional level is set on the 21st of February, 2019.

Are there requirements in order for an individual to be eligible to take the CSC COMEX?

Just like any other thing, you need a couple of requirements to be able to take the exam. One of which and probably the most important is that an applicant must not have taken the same level of the Career Service Exam that they are applying for, either for the COMEX or the PPT mode.

Read: PRC Board Examination Online Application: A Detailed Guide

After three (3) months of taking the exam is the only time an applicant is eligible to reapply for the PPT or the COMEX. You will also be asked to present valid identification to the designated testing office. The commission is requiring just one (1) valid I.D. However, if you want everything to be sure, you can provide two (2) pieces of identification; photocopy them.

The accepted I.Ds are:

  • Passport
  • SSS ID
  • Unified Multi-Purpose ID (UMID)
  • PRC License
  • PhilHealth ID (TIN card type w/ photo or the ATM type)
  • Driver’s License
  • Student Driver’s Permit
  • Temporary Driver’s License (LTO OR needs to be presented if you are presenting old driver’s license. Submitting the OR alone is not allowed)
  • Voter’s ID
  • Voter’s Certification
  • School ID
  • Office or Company ID
  • Postal ID
  • Barangay ID
  • HDMF/Pag-IBIG Fund ID
  • Solo Parent ID
  • CSC Eligibility Card
  • NBI Clearance
  • Person with Disability (PWD ID)
  • Senior Citizen’s ID
  • Seaman’s Book
  • Police Clearance or Police Clearance Certificate
  • Taxpayer’s ID or BIR ID (The accepted would be both the TIN card type w/ photo or the ATM type)

How can I do the online reservation?

First and foremost, to be able to reserve, an applicant must have an account in the COMEX website. You can register by visiting their website at

Once done, the user will not only have access to the schedules of the exam, they are also able to reserve a slot for the examination. After the reservation, the applicant can now proceed to present an ID personally to their designated CSC office according to their scheduled date and time. An applicant needs to proceed to the designated CSC office with at least one (1) valid I.D.

NOTE: To be sure, submit both the original and a photocopy of the valid I.D. card.

We have written a detailed guide that focuses on the application for the online registration for the CSC. Read the full article: How do you Apply and Register for the CSC-Computerized Examination?

Is there a fee for the CSC COMEX exam?

After the reservation, the next step is to submit valid identification, right? Following that, an applicant must also pay the examination fee of P680.00 to the designated CSC office.

Those are the schedules of the CSC COMEX for the first half of 2019. If you are interested to partake, online reservations will be open four (4) working days before the date of the examination.

Usually, the start of the exams are from 10 A.M. for the Central Office and 8:00 A.M. for the Regional Offices.

After taking the exam, when would be the results released?

Within a week after the examination, the results of the exam will be posted in the CSC website. In addition to the results, they will also release the Certification of Eligibility in that time period.

Are you interested in taking the CSC COMEX this year? Fret no more because here are all of the details you need to know! If you want more details about it or about the COMEX or the PPT itself, you can visit the CSC website. For more details about the COMEX, you can scan through the CSC COMEX Advisory No. 17, s.2018.

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