Frequently Asked Questions for Aspiring Flight Attendants

Taking up a job in the flight industry is rewarding. Other than the fact that you get to fly while on the job, it is a profession that pays well. We are not talking about aircraft engineers, pilots, and the like, we are talking about the other heroes in this kind of scenario – cabin crew members. Although many people have the thinking that working in as a flight attendant is not that good, given the circumstances and the requirements, it actually is a rewarding job.

Aspiring Flight Attendants FAQs
Image was taken from Aviation News Philippines |

In this article, we will be answering some of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) of people who are looking to get a job in the flight industry. Some of these are even questions of people who are already in the flight industry while some are actual questions by people who yearn for a position there.

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What is a flight attendant?

Before we get started with the questions, let us first briefly discuss what a flight attendant is. Were you able to ride an airplane at any point in your life? If yes, then the people you see standing, no not the passengers standing, but the ones in the uniform of the airlines, those are the flight attendants.

They are part of the cabin crew who assists passengers on board. Their main job is to ensure safety and comfort of the passengers while on flight.

A majority of people, if not all, have the misconception that in order for you to be a flight attendant, you need to be exceptionally attractive. That is not always the case, however. Although that is going to be an edge because you will be presenting the whole airlines, airlines actually sought to hire people with good communication and social skills than those who are “just attractive.”

Are there requirements in order for an individual to be a flight attendant?

Yes, there are certain eligibility requirements an individual needs to attain if they are an aspiring flight attendant. More so, some airlines would require an applicant to be a college undergraduate but there are airlines that accept only high school graduates. Different airlines have different requirements and measures in hiring people to be part of their cabin crew.

Frequently asked questions of aspiring cabin crew members or flight attendants

FAQ for Aspiring flight attendant
Image was taken from Cosmo PH |

These are the common questions that individuals ask if they want to secure a profession in the flight industry.

Do I need to be a tourism graduate?

Fortunately, no. Any course would do. As a matter of fact, some airlines even accept high school graduates. Meaning, no degree is necessary as long as you meet other requirements.

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Is there a height requirement for both males and females?

Yes, there is a specific height requirement in order for an airlines to accept an application:

For females:

  • Cebu Pacific (Cebu Pac) – 5’3″
  • Philippine Airlines (PAL)/ PAL Express – 5’2″
  • Etihad Airways – As long as the applicant reaches 210 centimeters
  • Air Asia – 5’2″
  • Qatar Airways – As long as the applicant reaches 212 centimeters
  • Emirates – As long as the applicant reaches 212 centimeters or 5’2″

For males:

  • Cebu Pacific (Cebu Pac) – 5’7″
  • Philippine Airlines (PAL)/PAL Express – 5’6″
  • Etihad Airways – As long as the applicant reaches 210 centimeters
  • Air Asia – 5’5″
  • Qatar Airways – As long as the applicant reaches 212 centimeters
  • Emirates – As long as the applicant reaches 212 centimeters or 5’2″

Is there a specific weight limit?

The weight and height limit should be proportionate. For you to have accurate measures, your Body Mass Index (BMI) should be at the right figure. If you really yearn for this job, you need to make sure that you are fit and that you look appealing. You have to ensure that you weigh and you stand at the correct measurements.

What if I am only a high school graduate? Which airlines would accept my application?

As we mentioned above, there are certain airlines who accept high school graduates. The following airlines are:

  1. Emirates
  2. Fly Dubai
  3. Etihad Airways
  4. Oman Airlines
  5. Air Arabia
  6. Saudia Airlines

I have a tattoo on my body, would I have a chance to be accepted?

Qatar Airways is one of the few airlines who does not accept applicants with tattoos even if they are not visible. However, most airlines will still accept applicants with tattoos given that it is not visible when they are wearing the company uniform.

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I have a mole on my face, would I have a chance to be accepted?

Yes! A mole in the face is not in any way a hindrance to be part of the tourism or the flight industry. There are plenty of flight attendants who have moles on their faces.

What if I have a small gap between my two front teeth. Do I have a chance?

This condition is called diastema and this, again, is not a hindrance to be part of the cabin crew. A lot of international airlines accept applicants with this condition.

Is there an age limit to be a flight attendant?

There are airlines which do not have age limits in terms of being a flight attendant. These airlines are: Philippine Airlines (PAL)/PAL Express, Cebu Pacific (Cebu Pac), Etihad Airways, Fly Dubai, Emirates, and Qatar Airways.

On the other hand, there are airlines who have a limit of a flight attendant to be thirty years old (30 years old). The following airlines are: Oman Air, Saudia Airlines, and Air Arabia.

I am currently married. Would airlines accept married applicants?

There are airlines who won’t care whether an applicant is married or not. The following airlines accept married applicants:

  1. Saudia Airlines
  2. Qatar Airways
  3. Etihad Airways
  4. Philippine Airlines (PAL)/PAL Express
  5. Emirates

Is there a specific skill that airlines require applicants?

No. The fact that they accept high school graduates would mean that there is not specific skill or set of skills they would require applicants. Although good communication skills and social skills would be a big bonus, it is not a requirement. More so, they would undergo extensive training sessions should their application get accepted by a specific airlines.

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I am transgender, would I be accepted?

Have you ever flown with a transgender flight attendant? I have never experienced it but Air Asia is one that I know who accepts applicants who are trans. Furthermore, they do not just accept transgender applicants for their cabin crew, they hire transgender people in all job positions.

If you have more questions and clarifications, you can refer to the website of the airlines itself for deeper and more accurate answers to the questions you have. The following are general inquiries of the aspiring flight attendants and questions about deeper topics should be directed to the airlines itself.

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2 thoughts on “Frequently Asked Questions for Aspiring Flight Attendants”

  1. My daughter is a Tourism student graduate. She have scars oh her right foot due to accident. Is it not a ground for her to apply as a cabin crew?
    Do all female cabin crews need to wear high heels while flying?


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