Government Professionals are Granted 1 Day to Renew Their Professional Identification Cards

Like any other form of identification, government employees’ Professional Identification Cards or PICs also expire. This has been a common dilemma for government workers because a lot of which take a day off of work in order for them to do so. However, in this article, we will be giving you detail as to why a government employee or professional should not take an unauthorized day off just to for them to renew their professional identification cards because they actually have one (1) day for them to do so.

What is the Professional Identification Card (PIC)?

The Professional Identification Card or Professional ID Card, is the PRC’s ID. It is a government employee’s form of identification. So, you can think of it as a company ID of government workers and professionals. It expires as well and in order for a specific government professional to cope with the requirements of the CPD, they need to renew it.

Read: PRC Board Examination Online Application: A Detailed Guide

This is where the dilemma of almost all government employees cross. They need a specific week day in order for them to renew it and that is the reason why most government employees take the day off in order for them to do so.

The PRC Online Portal

Just like in getting the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance and the Official Philippine Passport, the online portal of these institutions just make it easy for applicants to secure a scheduled appointment. More so, on the PRC Portal, you can modify some of the information before you proceed in setting up an appointment.

The Civil Service Commission (CSC), in accordance to a law (CSC Resolution No. 1800923 enforced last 29th of August, 2018) which is supported by Republic Act (R.A.) No. 10912 or the Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016, this provides valid and authorized practice of professions in the country to improve the competence of professionals pursuant with the international standards of practice.

Therefore, the Commission states that all government professionals have the grant of one (1) day on official time for every three (3) years for the renewal of their Professional Identification Cards (PICs).

Read: How do you Apply and Register for the CSC-Computerized Examination?

So, government employees need not to worry because you guys actually have a scheduled date once every three (3) years to be able to renew your PICs! This is as per the CSC so you can actually take a valid day off.
Source: CSC

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