A Simple Guide on How to Track your National ID

Just recently, on February 14, 2022, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte ratified Executive Order No. 162, s. 2022 where it has vividly specified its vindications. 

Whereas, Section 2 of Republic Act (RA) No. 11055 or the “Philippine Identification System Act,” established the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) as the single national identification for citizens and resident aliens of the country, to promote seamless delivery of services, improve efficiency, transparency, and targeted delivery of public social services, as well as enhance administrative governance, reduce corruption, curtail bureaucratic red-tape, and avert fraudulent transactions; 

Whereas, the PhilSys was established to provide citizens and residents aliens with sufficient proof of identity to simplify public and private transactions by eliminating the need to present other forms of identification when transacting with the government and private sector; 

Whereas, Sections 7 and 12 of RA No. 11055 provides that the PhilSys Number (PSN), in print, electronic, or any other form, subject to authentication, shall be honored and accepted as sufficient proof of identity for transacting business with any government agency or private sector entity, notwithstanding the absence or non-presentation of a Philippine Identification (PhilID); 

Whereas, Section 13, in relation to Section 7 of RA No. 11055 provides that the PhilID shall serve as the official government-issued identification documents for dealing with all national government agencies (NGAs), local government units (LGUs), government-owned or –controlled corporations (GOCCs), government financial institutions (GFIs), as well as private sector entities, and shall be honored and accepted, subject to authentication, in all transactions requiring proof or verification of a citizen’s or a resident’s alien identity, including, but not limited to applications for passports and drivers’ licenses, tax-related transactions, voting registration, and identification purposes, and all other government transactions and; 

Whereas, there is an urgent need to institutionalize the acceptance of the PhilID and PSN, as authenticated, as sufficient proof of identity, and age in all government and private transactions, to improve efficiency in the delivery of social services, strengthen financial inclusion and promote ease of doing business; 

While the majority of the Filipinos already got their own National IDs, some are still waiting for theirs. The mere fact that National ID also allows people to open a bank as well as when acquiring other valid IDs, amplifies the reason to have one. 

With that being said, tracking your National ID is actually just several taps away from your keyboard. So, if you want to check the status of your National ID, you may follow the comprehensive instructions we have provided for you below. You’re welcome!

Steps in tracking your National ID

Step 1: Above anything else, have you successfully completed the registration and application process? Yes? Then, you may now access your National ID status via PHLPost tracking. 

Step 2: Did you get access to the link? If yes, please fill in your transaction number, which you may see in the PhilSys transaction slip that was provided to registrants who completed Step 1 (demographics) and Step 2 (biometrics) of the Philippine Identification Card. 

Step 3: Are you done putting your tracking number? Now, tap/click “Track” to get your delivery status. 

Important Note: 

Once you enter your transaction number, your delivery status will automatically appear, which means if you didn’t find any result your National ID is still in the process. 

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