Call For Applications: Jose P. Laurel President’s Scholarship Program AY 2024-2025 Is Now Open

The pursuit of higher education is a transformative journey that has the power to shape individuals and communities. Recognizing the importance of providing opportunities for academic excellence, the Jose P. Laurel President’s Scholarship Program has been a beacon of hope for aspiring scholars. As the call for applications for the academic year 2024-2025 opens, it signifies not only an opportunity for financial support but also a commitment to nurturing the next generation of leaders.

Who can apply for the scholarship?

To be eligible for the Jose P. Laurel President’s Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Currently in Grade 12 or eligible for graduation.
  2. Ranked in the top 10% of the graduating batch of a minimum of 35 students or possesses a Grade 11 GWA of at least 90%.
  3. Demonstrates good moral character, as certified by the high school principal.
  4. Must be a Filipino citizen.
  5. Students from laboratory or science high schools are automatically eligible to apply.

What are the benefits under the scholarship?

Apply now and enjoy these privileges:

  1. Free tuition and miscellaneous fees
  2. Monthly stipend
  3. Book allowance per semester
  4. Clothing allowance per year

How to file your application?

For all interested applicants, you may apply by clicking this LINK for more comprehensive information.



Disclaimer: All of our scholarship articles are for informational purposes only. We are not directly related to the entities being featured. The source/s are indicated at the end of every article so you can further check the legitimacy of our posts.

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