Philippine Public School Teachers Association (PPSTA) is now looking for aspiring scholars

For those educators who are eager in enhancing their skills and knowledge, Philippine Public School Teachers Association (PPSTA), the biggest and foremost professional associations of public school teachers in the Philippines with more than 200,000 teacher-members, is now looking for dedicated scholars for its PPSTA Professional Development Financial Assistance Program for Masteral and Doctorate degrees.

This educational assistance program of PPSTA is intended for its members to help them augment their financial needs on education in order to achieve professional advancement.

There will be two (2) education assistance up for grabs: first is the Summer Educational Assistance Program in which P5,000 shall be awarded to the summer grantees, second is the Full Educational Assistance Program in which P15,000 shall be received by every full grantees.

The ducational assistance is conditional, because their quota will be based on the number of PPSTA members within an accredited local chapter.

For instance, if the chapter comprised 500 members, PPSTA can grant one (1) summer educational assistance to a member within the chapter, on the other hand, PPSTA can grant one (1) full educational assistance to a member within the local chapter if it comprised at least 2,500 members.

In order to qualify for the scholarship, grantees should be able to possess the following eligibility criteria asked by PPSTA.

One must be a member of PPSTA with good standing for at least one (1) year for summer educational assistance and three (3) years membership for full educational assistance.

A grantee should also stay as a member of PPSTA for five (5) years after availing of the educational assistance.

According to the announcement, the Educational Assistance Committee shall be the ones to determine the allocation for each region based on the active rolls of membership under the local, direct and IBM payroll of teachers-members.

PPSTA noted that retired members of the organization shall not be qualified for the educational assistance program.

Moreover, the Chairman of the Committee shall be the one to approve and recommend grant of the educational assistance to the General Manager.

Those who want to take this incredible opportunity shall be able to prepare the necessary documentary requirements.

For both Summer Educational Assistance and Full Educational Assistance Program, one shall submit an application letter and duly filled out personal information sheet, endorsement from the local division chapter president and/or the regional chapter resident, class card upon enrolment and registration form and two (2) valid IDs.

Ready to embark another milestone in your career? This is your chance! Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity and take your professional development to the next level. Applications shall be submitted at [email protected].

Source: Philippine Public School Teachers Association (PPSTA)

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