Heads up Filipino nurses! The International Placement Service of the German Federal Employment Agency (ZAV/BA) is in urgent need of qualified nurses, but not limited to the position/s stated below for the year 2023.
- General Ward
- Medical and Surgery Ward/Heart Surgery
- Pediatrics and Neonatology
- Intensive Care Unit
- Operating Room
- Geriatic Care/Nursing Home/Erderly Care
- Neurology, Orthopedics, and related fields
- Psychiatry
Note: Please note that nursing homes in Germany are inpatient facilities, where geriatric nurses deal with older people in need for help with different health conditions (unlike being a Private Duty Nurse).
What are the qualifications?
- Filipino citizen and permanent resident of the Philippines
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- At least 6-12 months nursing professional (in patient and/ or out-patient) experience (bedside) in hospitals, rehabilation centers, and/or care institutions or private duty nurse
- Applicants must have German Languange Proficiency of B1 or B2 Level in accordance with Common European Framework of Reference for Languanges, the certificate should be within 1 year from the date of issuance
- Or willing to undergo German languange training in the Philippines to attain level B1(to be paid and organized by Triple Win)
- And must be able to attend the languange class which will be announced during orientation days and interviews
- Applicants whose B1 and B2 certificates were issued more than 1 year shall retake the languange assessment. TWP offers free refresher course.
What are the benefits?
- Successful candidates will received a new and starting monthly salary rate of €2315: Php 132,410 (gross/exchange rate: 1euro=P57)
- Translation of recognition documents and certification will be paid by the employer including the medical checks.
- Bonus payment: for passing the A2 and B1 of € 250 (each level or its PESO equivalent) in its first take
- Travel Expenses: The employer will pay the visa and airfare from the Philippines to Germany.
- Board and Lodging: The employer will organize/assist the employee in finding a suitable accommodation. The selected nurse will bear the expenses in full or in part of the board and lodging.
How to file your application?
Interested applicants should register online at www.dmw.gov.ph or http://onlineservices.dmw.gov.ph/OnlineServices/POEAOnline.aspx
After creation of e-Registration account, applicants should upload the required documentary requirements at https://gtog.dmw.gov.ph and wait for further instructions on your g2g account relative to your submission.
For more details, please refer to the pictures below.
These images were taken from POEA-GBP.
Source: POEA-GBP
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