Taiwan to Accept More Filipino Workers After the ECQ

In other news, Taiwan announced that they are open to accepting more Filipino workers after the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ). Recently, the supposed removal of the quarantine was moved and extended from the 30th of April 2020 until the 15th of May, due to the rising number of cases and a cure not made available to the public.

Taiwan to Accept More Filipino Workers
This image was taken from the Filipino Times | FilipinoTimes.net

That being said, all businesses, deployments, and employments have been moved farther away. This also brings Taiwan into giving our aspiring workers a chance to work in their country after the quarantine.

Taiwan to accept more Filipino workers

In a statement, Aida Gerodias, the President of the Philippine Manpower Agencies Accredited to Taiwan (PILMAT) has said that the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) is set to resume the processing of the visas of OFWs after the 16th of May 2020. These were the supposed OFWs stranded because of the travel restrictions imposed in many countries, including ours.

The country said that they are open to at least 4,000 OFWs after travel restrictions are lifted in the Philippines.

The reason for this is because as per Gerodias, Taiwan has strict health protocols especially in accepting foreign workers. This is one of the many reasons why they’re part of the least affected countries of the COVID-19.

However, Taiwan to accept more Filipino workers will be a reality because a demand of more migrant workers is eyed by the country.

Taiwan’s labor shortage

As of this moment, Taiwan is suffering labor shortage because of the travel restrictions. Especially in the countries where they get the bulk of workers; Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

Their desperate to the point that Taiwan is trying to solve the problem with manpower by offering an extension of three (3) months to those with expiring contracts as well as those who finished their 12-year stay.

Is Taiwan a good country?

Based on recent news about Taiwan, they are currently one of the few countries that successfully eliminated and contained the virus. Though they haven’t fully recovered yet, they’re getting there.

According to the PILMAT, Taiwan is one, if not the best country as alternatives for many OFWs who had their original destinations affected by the pandemic. Countries like Iran, Singapore, the United States (U.S.), as well as Italy.

They wouldn’t have any problem in Taiwan because the country is advanced and they have strict and reliable health protocols.

Booming industries

In the report to Bernard Olalia, the Administrator of the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA) and Silvestre Bello III the secretary of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), the industries in Taiwan are booming and it needs to be filled soon.

Industries like production, electronic assembly plants, and manufacturing are the top and key industries of the country.

Taiwan Filipino Deportation

Caregiver in Taiwan Elanel Ordidor is set to be deported because of “nasty and malevolent” posts against our dearest President Rodrigo Duterte. In addition to that, she will have to face charges of cyberlibel.

Fidel Macauyag, Labor Attaché the Facebook posts by the caregiver were intended “to cause hatred amid the global health crisis brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.”

What her rants were revolved around the fact that she said that officials need not to be loyal to the President. Moreover, she said Salvador Panelo a “lizard” as well as die-hard Duterte supporters “sons of wh*res.”

Basis for deportation

The three-minute video was enough for her to really get to her point. Macauyag said that these acts were the basis of her deportation.

Due to her acts, (the) Philippine Overseas Labor Office coordinated with her broker and employer on her deportation on the basis of the gravity of Ordidor’s offense under Philippine law.”

When found out about this, labor officials went to the workplace of Ordidor to tell her of the charges she might be subject to. However, she said that she promised to delete all videos against the President and she said she’ll never do it again. Furthermore, she said that a public apology will be issued.

With the labor shortage of Taiwan, the factories of these giant industries have been slowed. That’s why they need help the moment quarantines and lockdowns are opened and lifted.

So if you are a deported OFW because of the pandemic, Taiwan is in need of workers after the quarantine and the travel restrictions are lifted.

Source/s: Business Mirror PH | The Philippine Star



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