Where can You Complain About a Specific Business?

The Department of Trade and Industry is leading the consumer – business-connected people and citizens of the Philippines. It’s safe to say that everything undergoes extreme quality assurance but sometimes, there are inevitable things that even owners cannot control. In the event that you encounter any of these, your first concern is to complain and give feedback, right? But where exactly can you go?

In this article, we will give you, in detail where you can go, in terms of government-body, to complain if you feel aggravated about a certain product. In addition to that, we will also teach you how you can file a complaint if you feel the need to do so.

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How do I file a complaint?

First and foremost, you need to learn how you can file a complaint. There are certain things that are eligible for complaints. If ever you encounter any of the following, feel free to file a complaint.

  • No Return, No Exchange (NRNE)
  • Deceptive, Unfair, and Unconscionable Acts and Practices
  • Warranties
  • Other Mediatable-related complaints

If you feel that a certain company or product is violating anything legal, you can fill-out the Complaint Form and/or prepare a complaint letter, duly-accomplished with the following details:

  1. Complete Name
  2. Permanent Address and Current Address
  3. Email Address
  4. Contact Number of the Complainant and the Respondent
  5. Narration of Events/Facts
  6. Demand
  7. Any Government-Issued ID of the Complainant
  8. **Proof of transaction (Scan and attach it to the letter)

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Where can I file a complaint?

If you have a complaint and you plan on submitting it, you can send it to [email protected]. For inquiries and follow-up, however, you can contact 1-384.

In the event that you are outside Metro Manila, you can refer to the DTI directory for the nearest and the most appropriate provincial office. Click here to open the directory.

If you are in Metro Manila, you can file the complaint to the Director:

The Director

Fair Trade Enforcement Bureau
DTI Fair Trade Enforcement Bureau (FTEB)
UPRC Building 315 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave.,
1200 Makati City, Philippines

What can I complain about and where can I complain to?

Now, I know that you are wondering what types of complaint you can do. No worries because with the help of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), here are the specific concerns and the agency concerned to where you can direct your complaint/s to.

Here is the table for your reference:

Specific Concern (Industry/Product) Agency Concerned (Where you can complain to)
Adulterated Livestock Feeds, Vaccines, Pharmaceuticals and BiologicsBureau of Animal Industry (BAI)
Animal Feed Standard Division and Laboratory Services
Combination of banks and non-banking and/or financial institutions, credit cards, pawnshops, etc.Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)
Claim for insured deposit; follow-up status of claim for insured deposit; queries on deposit
insurance coverage, other bank related issues/concerns i.e. unserviced withdrawals, ATM problems, etc.
Philippine Deposit Insurance Corp. (PDIC)
Fertilizers, Pesticides, Pest Control, etc.Department of Agriculture (DA) –
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA)
Forest-based materials and products and about forestsDepartment of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR)
Fisheries, Fish products, Fish ConcernsBureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)
Food such as in restaurants, fast food, sidewalk vendors, or businesses/establishments who
offer food or anything relatedto measures and weights
City Health Office of the concerned
Local Government Units (LGUs)
Doctor’s Services, Hospitals, Processed Food, Cosmetics, Drugs, Household products with
chemically-induced and dangerous substances, medical services
Department of Health (DOH), Center for Health Development Metro Manila, and Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
ElectricityEnergy Power Industry Management Bureau (EPIMB)/Department of Energy-Consumer
Welfare and Promotion Office
(DOE-CWPO)/Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC)
Life Insurance Claims, Non-Life Insurance Claims, Education, Pension, Memorial, and other pre-need plansInsurance Commission (IC)
Manufactured products/food/itemsDepartment of Trade and Industry (DTI)
Investments, Mutual funds, financial, lending,
issuers of securities (registered), time-sharing
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) –
Corporation Finance Department
Substances that destroy and deplete the Ozone LayerDepartment of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
Quality/Price of liquified petroleum gas (LPG)
and other liquid fuels
Oil Industry Management Bureau (OIMB)
Standards and quality of products that are coconut-basedPhilippine Coconut Authority (PCA)
Prices of fresh young coconuts, husked nuts, and
coconut oil
Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA)
Both processed and processed meat and
dressed chicken, pork, and beef
National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS)
RiceNational Food Authority (NFA)
Price of sugar and its qualitySugar Regulatory Administration (SRA)
TV, Telephone, Cellphone, Radio Broadcast RatesNational Telecommunications Commission (NTC)

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How can this be useful?

If ever you feel that a certain service is not up to par as to its promises, you can let the respectful government body handling the industry know about it. If you have complaints on the service, the product, the people running it, do not think twice in letting the government know about it.

Now that you know where and how you can complain, do not hesitate to let authorities know about wrong doings of a certain business or a product.

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