Austria To Hire 500 Filipino Workers Annually: Up To 200K Job Opportunities In Several Sectors

Austria, a landlocked country in the heart of Europe, is known for its stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and thriving economy. In recent years, Austria has taken a significant step towards international cooperation by opening its doors to Filipino workers, now aiming to hire 500 of them annually. This move not only reflects Austria’s commitment to diversity but also offers up to 200,000 job opportunities in different sectors.

With the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Philippines and Austria, the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) has announced a significant advancement in the labor market. Hans Leo J. Cacdac, the DMW Officer-in-Charge, and Susanne Kraus-Winkler, the State Secretary of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Labor and Economy (BMAW), signed the MOU.

This partnership intends to open up job prospects for professionals and skilled workers from the Philippines in Austria’s industries, such as healthcare, information technology, tourism, and hospitality. It also addresses the persistent labor deficit in Austria.

Cacdac stated his optimism for this agreement, highlighting the fact that it will make it possible for Filipino professionals and skilled workers to be deployed to Austria in a way that is safe, moral, sustainable, and advantageous to both parties. These Filipino workers will help Austria meet its labor shortage in exchange for offering their skills and dedication to the country’s economic growth.

According to this MOU, 500 Filipino workers will be sent to Austria each year to help fill the country’s employment needs, which vary from 75,000 to 200,000 job opportunities in a variety of sectors like healthcare, construction, information technology, tourism, and hospitality.

Susanne Kraus-Winkler, the State Secretary of BMAW, emphasized Austria’s commitment to attracting talented foreign workers. She pointed out that this memorandum of understanding is a groundbreaking one for Austria, encompassing various aspects of collaboration in recruitment and vocational training. She also conveyed Austria’s appreciation for the Philippines’ consistent assistance and highlighted their extensive history of working with skilled Filipino labor.

Cacdac emphasized that this collaboration reconfirms the robust camaraderie, teamwork, and shared regard between the two nations, specifically in matters related to labor and employment.

The MOU guarantees enhanced safeguarding of the well-being and rights of Filipino migrant workers. It offers assistance during their skills assessment, education, training, and licensing in Austria. Additionally, the DMW and BMAW have committed to crafting a work-centric vocational training structure and other technical capacity-building efforts to enhance the competencies and knowledge of Filipino laborers.

Both the Philippines and Austria have pledged to collaborate closely in the fight against illegal recruitment and human trafficking, with a commitment to providing overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) with proper legal support and social protection.

As of data from CY 2022, there are approximately 5,824 OFWs in Austria, with 1,220 in the hospitality and food service industry and 749 in the health and social work sector.

Source: Department of Migrant Workers 

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