CHED-SIKAP Scholarship 2022 (Second Batch)

SIKAP, which means Scholarships for Instructors’ Knowledge Advancement Program is intended for Higher Education Institutions (HEI) teaching and non-teaching personnel as well as former HEI teaching or non-teaching personnel who wish to advance their studies in identified universities and colleges in the Philippines. 

Am I eligible for SIKAP? 

To be eligible to the CHED-SIKAP Scholarship, you must possess the following criteria: 

  • Must be a Filipino citizen. 
  • Must be employed as Teaching Personnel in a Higher Education Institution, or have been employed as Teaching personnel for the past twelve months while applying for the scholarship. 
  • Must not hold any management or administrative position. 
  • Must not hold any full-time job in a government agency or any private company that is not HEI. 

For full-time scholar: 

  • You are required to commit in taking the program on the full-time study. 
  • If you are employed, you must be freed from administrative or teaching obligations for the period of the scholarship, with proof/commitment from your employer to release you for full-time study. 

For part-time scholar: 

  • You are required to commit at least twenty hours of work per week or twelve teaching load units.

Incase you are admitted to eligible graduate program

  • You must complete the curriculum in a vertically aligned manner with your teaching discipline. 
  • For the degree being sought, you should not have a degree. 
  • If you are unable to pursue the degree that is being articulated to your discipline, you will still be qualified if you present compelling reasons. 


  • You must be of sufficient age to be able to provide meaningful return service once you have earned your graduate degree which is guided by the following rules:  
  • To be considered for a Master’s degree, you must be at least 52 years old at the time of application. 
  • To be considered for a Doctorate degree, you must be at least 50 years old at the time of application. 
  • Exceptions will only be considered if the Commission En Banc makes an offer. 
  • You must not be on any other government-funded scholarship when applying for this scholarship. 
  • You must be dedicated to completing your degree program requirements within the time frame allotted. 
  • You should not be related to a CHED employee at the CHED RO (Regional Office) where the application procedure is taking place up to the fourth degree of affinity or consanguinity. 
  • Only on a case-by-case basis would Commission En Banc exempt you. 



  • Grantee might pursue a graduate program that CHED-partner HEI provides. 
  • Tuition, along with other fees, is done through the billing process. 
  • Incentives such as living allowance will be released on an individual basis. 


  • Grantee might pursue graduate program that is provided by an eligible HEI (referring to the CMO 12 series 2018-2019) 
  • Tuition, along with other fees, will be released to individual grantees using a reimbursement basis. 

How will I be selected? 

  • A call for applications will be issued by the Commission. 
  • As an applicant, you must use the implementation model to send your paperwork to CHED RO or DHEI (Delivering HEI).  
  • A final list of all successful applications will be evaluated and approved by the Commission.  
  • Once you’ve succeeded, you’ll need to share your acceptance. 

What are the documentary requirements I will need to submit? 

  • An application form 
  • Your CV (Curriculum Vitae) 
  • Employment Certificate. 
  • Eligibility statement and undertaking. 
  • A recommendation form. 
  • Passport or Birth Certificate. 
  • Proof of Admission to Eligible HEI or DHEI. 
  • A record of a transcript. 
  • A Re-entry action plan. 
  • A government-issued identification. 
  • A Release form 

What financial services and incentives I will get? 

Financial Privileges and Incentives Full-time study- 


Part-time study- 


Tuition and other fees Cost of tuition and other fees Cost of tuition and other fees 
Monthly living allowance PHP 25, OOO/ 

PHP 30, 000 


PHP 12, 500/ 

PHP 16, 500 

Book allowance Per academic year: PHP 12, 000 Per academic year: PHP 6, 000 
Transportation allowance Per academic year: 

PHP 12, 000 

Per academic year: PHP 6, 000 
Dissertation/capstone/thesis project allowance PHP 50, OOO/ 

PHP 100, 000 

PHP 50, 000/ 

PHP 100, 000 


How can I apply for SIKAP? 

Step 1: Check the eligibility requirements. 

Step 2: Generate your Application Number here: 

Step 3: Download and Accomplish the Documentary Requirements here: 

Step 4: Submit the complete scholarship package: 

  • For DHEI Model submit it to your Delivering Higher Education Institution 
  • For Individual Model, submit to the CHED RO (where applicant will be receiving instruction) 

The deadline of submission is on March 15, 2022 so better grab the opportunity now. 

For further inquiries, you may click this image link from CHED: 

Source: SIKAP – CHED

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