How to avail the DSWD’s Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) program

Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) is one of the social welfare services of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) that aims to help unfortunate Filipinos who undergo a crisis to meet their needs. The program includes medical assistance, burial, transportation, food, and cash assistance for other support services and personal protective equipment (PPE).

What are the benefits under the AICS program?

The AICS can grant individuals the following financial or material assistance:

  • transportation
  • medical
  • burial
  • educational
  • food
  • cash assistance for other support services for victims of natural or man-made crisis or calamity, victims of domestic abuse, locally stranded individuals (LSIs) and other  incidents and
  • personal protective equipment (PPE)

What are the necessary documentary requirements to get assistance from the AICS?

For Medical Assistance:

  • Updated Clinical Abstract/Medical Certificate within 3 months with signature above and license number of the doctor
  • Updated prescription with name, signature, and license number of the doctor
  • Laboratory Request/Medical Procedures/Treatment Protocol with name, signature and license number with date of the doctor; Quotation official price
  • Update hospital bill (showing outstanding balance, name and signature of the billing clerk)
  • Social Case Study Report if the medical assistance is PHP 5, 000 and above
  • Barangay Certificate/Certificate of Indigent Client (address should be the same with the submitted valid ID and
  • Valid ID of the client with the same address to the submitted Barangay Certificate of  Indigency with validation date

For Burial Assistance:

  • Funeral contract showing outstanding balance and breakdown of the service with name and signature of the funeral’s delegate
  • Original or Certified True Copy of  Registered Death Certificate with registry number
  • Barangay Certificate/Certificate of Indigency of the client; valid ID of the client showing the same address with the Barangay Indigency
  • Permit to transfer (where the remains need to be moved)
  • Social Case Study (can be requested)
  • Promissory Note (if needed)
  • Referral Letter (if needed)

For Transportation Assistance:

  • Valid ID showing the same address of the Barangay Certificate with validation date and
  • Barangay Certificate/Certificate of Indigency of the client

For Educational Assistance:

  • Registration Form, School Assessment Form, Certificate of Enrollment with name and signature of the registrar
  • Validated school ID of the student
  • Updated statement of account showing the outstanding balance, name and signature of the accounting staff
  • Barangay Certificate/Certificate of Indigency of the client’s guardian
  • Valid ID of the client showing the same address to the  Certificate of Enrollment
  • Social Case Study Report (can be requested)

How does health and safety protocols being implemented pursuant to the COVID-19 pandemic with the distribution of financial or material assistance?

The process of sought assistance under the AICS  is in accordance to the ‘new normal’. The screening and verification, assessment and acceptance of grants can be done through electronic platforms.

The screening and verification can now be done through submission of documentary requirements to the concerned social worker. The assessment can be done through call or video conferencing. The assistance can be undergo and received through digital payments.

Read: Pasig City Subsidy to Families Not on the List of DSWD

For confined clients in the hospital, their requests can be processed through Malasakit Centers instead of  visiting Crisis Intervention Units of DSWD or Social Welfare and Development Offices (SWDOS) for the sake of their safety.

What is the difference of AICS to Social Amelioration Program/SAP?

Although, AICS and SAP both serve as social protection programs to assist individuals who are severely affected of COVID-19, the AICS is a regular program of DSWD.

Beneficiaries of SAP can still received assistance under the AICS.

How to apply for the AICS?

To avail the AICS, you can visit the nearest Social Welfare and Development Offices (SWDOs) in your place or Crisis Intervention Units of DSWD for the assessment. Or you can call: 8-931-81-01 loc. 509 at 510 so they can assist you.

Source:  Department of Social Welfare and Development’s post

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