Education Department Working to Release Employees’ Salaries Early

The Department of Education (DepEd) is working to release employees’ salaries early in the battle to beat the infamous 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). With their employees nearing a million, they are yearning to receive their salaries early – specifically for the months of March and April 2020. 

DepEd plans to release employees' salaries early
This image was taken from MSN |

Annalyn Sevila, DepEd Spokesperson and Undersecretary, said that one of their top priorities includes their meeting with Regional Directors. Their meeting involves them talking about releasing their employees’ salaries early. She said that they are doing appropriate inventories now.

We are doing inventory now per region.”

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What types of employees are included?

As per the DepEd, the workforce that they were talking about that would receive their salaries early includes Contract of Service (CoS) employees, Plantilla employees, and consultants. These workers can expect their salaries any time soon, depending on the agreement the DepEd will have with their leaders.

DepEd is moving to release employees’ salaries as a way to help the entire nation amidst the outbreak of the COVID-19. But their salaries aren’t the only thing that has the chance to be released earlier.

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PBBs and other benefits

In addition to the early release of salaries, Sevilla also made a mention that the DepEd is working to release their employees’ benefits. These include:

  • 2018 Performance Based Bonus (PBB)
  • Clothing and Uniform Allowance
  • Hazard Pay

To note, however, Sevilla said that unlike the salaries, releasing these benefits would be more challenging. Why? She said that the release of these benefits will still depend on the decision of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM). Also, the availability of it from the Regional Offices (ROs) and Schools Division Offices is considered.

She stated and iterated that the workforce of the DepEd is nearing a million in the whole country. That being said, they still need approval because the budget might not fit all employees who are asking for it.

Please remember that DepEd workforce is almost a million already, and processing of compensation/benefits takes time. We need to proactively process and prepare documents until it reach the banks for remittance to employees accounts. We need to take into consideration the urgency of tasks and at the same time follow existing financial policies and guidelines.”

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Their employees’ welfare

DepEd’s move of working to release employees’ salaries early is a blessing. In fact, they’re just one of the few companies who have this initiative. There are companies who doesn’t even think about giving their employees salaries – especially if they are under the “no work no pay” policy.

Sevilla said that they definitely prioritize the welfare and the well-being of their employees. With their plan of releasing their employees’ salaries early, they are giving the suggestion for them to spend it wisely and accordingly.

DepEd has to take care of the welfare of our employees, with an advice to spend their salaries and benefits with prudence and to prioritize health needs especially at this challenging time.”

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Our country in accordance to the COVID-19 outbreak

A few days back, our dearest President Rodrigo Duterte imposed a strict enhanced community quarantine all throughout the island of Luzon. This strictly implements a “no travel policy” to people unless it is urgent matters.

With the virus infecting more than 210,000 people worldwide; offering over 8,000 fatalities, it is a condition that needs to be looked at deeper and more urgently. The World Health Organization (WHO) is working closely with many different health agencies and health establishments in the entire planet to closely monitor the activities happening all around the globe.

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Many countries are coming up with unorthodox approaches for them to properly manage and handle the spread of the virus. Italy is on the move of treating and curing infected people who are below 80 years old. Iran, on the other hand, just released more than 80,000 of their prisoners.

The Education Department’s plan to release employees’ salaries early, these people can expect to have extra budget for the time the entire globe is being struck by this pandemic. What do you think about DepEd’s move of helping their almost a million employees in the entire Philippines?

Would their initiative to release their employees’ salaries early be significant help to those who need them? Would employees be able to utilize it efficiently and maximize it? This is one grand move to help the entirety of the Filipino society and hopefully, other agencies look into doing it, too.

Source: ABS-CBN News

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