Gov’t workers to get another salary increase next year

Good news for government workers, under the Salary Standardization Law (SSL) V, you can anticipate another pay increase in 2023, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) assured.


This image was taken from the Department of Budget and Management.

This assurance was made after the requests from federations of government unions for a hike in the national minimum wage to PHP33,000 per month.

“The last tranche of the modification of the salary schedule for civilian personnel pursuant to Republic Act (RA) No. 11466 or the Salary Standardization Law (SSL) 5 will be implemented in 2023. Hence, government employees concerned will have another salary adjustment by next year,” the DBM said.

ReadP33,000 minimum wage for government employees urged nationwide

RA 11466, which was approved by the previous president Rodrigo Duterte, grants additional compensation increases to government servants from 2020 to 2023.

According to the SSL 5, the average basic pay for public employees will increase by 23.24 percent by 2023. It also applies to nurses and teachers in public schools

The DBM also made it clear that any future pay increases for government employees must be implemented through legislative measures.

ReadSalary Standardization Law, Signed by President Rodrigo Duterte

Within the projected P5.268 trillion budget for 2023, P49.5 million has been allocated for the Governance Commission for Government-owned and controlled corporations.

This will aid the conduct of a study on the government compensation plans of various national government organizations and GOCCs.

The study will also examine if future public sector pay increases might be sustained given the government’s constrained financial resources.

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“This will ensure that the compensation of all civilian personnel will be generally competitive with those in the private sector doing comparable work to attract, retain, and motivate corps of competent and dedicated civil servants,” the DBM added.

The agency stated that it is also examining the rates of the current benefits offered to qualified government workers to determine whether they might need to be adjusted in the future.

The DBM stated that it is putting the finishing touches on the related executive issue for the purpose of granting gratuity pay to job order and contract of service workers, which will then be forwarded to the Office of the President for consideration.

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According to SSL 5, personnel in salary grades 10 to 15 would receive raises ranging from 20 to 30 percent, while those in salary grades 25 to 33 would receive raises of only 8%.

Additionally, the compensation for government employees in SGs 1 to 10 would increase from 17.5 to 20.5 percent during a four-year period.

Based on the Salary Standardization Law of 2019 Section 3, here are the qualified individuals for the pay hike:

Screenshot 20221207 094746

This image was taken from Official Gazette.

Meanwhile here is the table for the SSL V fourth tranche:

SSL V Fourth Tranche Effectivity Date January 1 2023

Source/s: Official Gazette, PhilStar

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