Meralco Foundation, Inc. is now accepting applications for its scholarship program SY 2023-2024

Meralco Foundation Inc. (MFI) is the corporate social responsibility arm of the Manila Electric Company (Meralco), the largest electric distribution company in the Philippines. MFI was established in 1973 with the aim of addressing social and economic development needs in the communities served by Meralco.

Why trusts MFI with your academic aspirations? Because MFI focuses on various areas of community development, including education, health, livelihood, and environmental conservation. The foundation implements programs and projects that aim to uplift the lives of underserved communities and promote sustainable development.

MFI facilitates the provision of electricity to off-grid areas and supports the electrification of public schools, ensuring that students have access to electricity for lighting and other educational needs.

MFI installs solar panels in schools located in remote areas without access to electricity, enabling the use of computers, audiovisual equipment, and other educational tools.

MFI helps electrify health centers in remote areas, ensuring better healthcare services and improving the delivery of medical care.

MFI offers various skills training programs to empower individuals and enhance their employability. These programs include electrical installation and maintenance, welding, automotive repair, and computer literacy.

MFI actively participates in disaster response and relief efforts during emergencies such as typhoons, floods, and earthquakes. The foundation provides aid and support to affected communities and helps in the rehabilitation and reconstruction of infrastructure.

MFI promotes environmental sustainability through initiatives such as tree planting, watershed management, and energy conservation campaigns.

Meralco Foundation Inc. collaborates with various stakeholders, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and local communities, to maximize the impact of its programs and create sustainable change in the areas it serves.

Hence, if you want to achieve your dream of better future, it’s time to create that big impact in your life and let MFI be part of that goal! Apply now to the MFI Scholarship Program SY 2023- 2024. Note that the classes are during weekdays, starting from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Who can apply for the scholarship?

All interested applicants are those underpriveleged students who want to pursue any of the Dual Training System (DTS) courses below at MFI Polytechnic Institute.

  1. Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology;
  2. Automotive Technology;
  3. Digital Arts and Design;
  4. Information Technology
  5. Network Systems and Security Administration
  6. Industrial Electrical Technology; and
  7. Industrial Automation & Mechatronics Technology.

What are the benefits under the scholarship?

Scholars of MFI shall be entitled to a free tuition and potential employment upon completion of the On-the-Job Training.

How to file your application?

If you are interested, you may register at and wait for the MFI call.

Source: MFI Polytechnic Institute 

Note: All of our scholarship articles are for informational purposes only. We are not directly related to the entities being featured. The source/s are indicated at the end of every articles so you can further check the legitimacy of our posts.

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