Grant of Mid-Year Bonus for Government Employees 2022 has been released

The grant of Mid-Year Bonus 2022 equivalent to one (1) month basic pay shall be given to entitled government employees not earlier than May 15. This is in accordance with DBM Budget Circular No. 20217-2 dated May 8, 2017 entitled “Rules and Regulations on the Grant of the Mid-Year Bonus for FY 2017 and Years Thereafter.”

Who are entitled to receive the Mid-Year Bonus 2022?

All government employees provided that they have meet the conditions set on the circular shall received the Mid-Year Bonus 2022.

  • All positions for civilian personnel, whether regular, casual, or
    contractual in nature, appointive or elective, full-time or part-time, now
    existing or hereafter created in the Executive, Legislative and Judicial
    Branches, the Constitutional Commissions and other Constitutional
    Offices, SUCs, and GOCCs covered by the Compensation and Position Classification System (CPCS) under RA No. 6758, as amended by
    Congress Joint Resolution No. 1, series of 1994, and No. 4, series of
    2009, and in LGUs; and,
  • Military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines under the
    Department of National Defense and uniformed personnel of the
    Philippine National Police, Philippine Public Safety College, Bureau of
    Fire Protection, and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology of the
    Department of the Interior and Local Government; Philippine Coast
    Guard of the Department of Transportation; and National Mapping and
    Resource Information Authority of the Department of Environment and
    Natural Resources.

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Who are excluded from the coverage of the circular?

Unfortunately, Job Orders (JO) and Contract of Service (COS) workers are not entitled to receive the  Mid-Year Bonus 2022. Furthermore, the following individuals and groups are also excluded from the circular.

  1. Government personnel from agencies, including GOCCs, that are
    exempted from RA No. 6758, as amended, as expressly provided in their
    respective enabling law or charter, and are actually implementing their
    respective CPCS approved by the President of the Philippines;
  2. Government personnel from GOCCs covered by the CPCS established
    by the Governance Commission for GOCCs and approved by the
    President of the Philippines pursuant to RA No. 10149; and
  3. Those hired without employee-employer relationships and funded from
    non-Personnel Services appropriations/budgets, as follows:
  • Consultants and experts hired for a limited period to perform
    specific activities or services with expected outputs;
  • Laborers hired through job contracts (pakyaw) and those paid on
    piecework basis;
  • Student workers and apprentices; and
  • Individuals and groups of people whose services are engaged
    through job orders, contracts of service, or others similarly

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What are the rules and regulations on the grant of Mid-Year Bonus 2022?

The Mid-Year Bonus equivalent to one (1) month basic pay as of
May 15 shall be given to entitled personnel not earlier than May 15 of
the current year, subject to the following conditions:

  1. Personnel has rendered at least a total or an aggregate of four
    (4) months of service from July 1 of the immediately preceding
    year to May 15 of the current year;
  2. Personnel remains to be in the government service as of May 15
    of the current year; and
  3. Personnel has obtained at least a satisfactory performance rating
    in the immediately preceding rating period, or the applicable
    performance appraisal period. If there is a need for a shorter
    period, it shall be at least ninety (90) calendar days or three (3)
    months, provided that the total or aggregate service under Item 1 hereof is complied with.
  4. Those who have rendered a total or an aggregate of less than four (4) months of service from July 1 of the preceding year to May 15 of the current year, and those who are no longer in the service as of the latter date, shall not be entitled to the Mid-Year Bonus.
  5. The Mid-Year Bonus of personnel hired on part-time service in one or more agencies shall be in direct proportion to the number of hours/days of part-time services rendered.
  6. The Mid-Year Bonus of those on detail to another government agency shall be paid by the parent agency, while those on secondment shall be paid by the recipient agency.
  7. The Mid-Year Bonus of personnel who transferred from one agency to another shall be paid by the new agency.
  8. A compulsory retiree, whose services have been extended, may be granted Mid-Year Bonus, subject to the pertinent provisions of this Circular.
  9. Those who are formally charged administrative and/or criminal cases which are still pending for resolution, shall be entitled to Mid-Year Bonus until found guilty by final and executory judgment: Provided, that:
  10. Those found guilty shall not be entitled to Mid-Year Bonus in the year of finality of the decision. The personnel shall refund the Mid-Year Bonus received for that year.
  11. If the penalty imposed is only a reprimand, the personnel concerned shall be entitled to the Mid-Year Bonus.

Read: Government Employees’ Mid-Year Bonus to be Given Not Earlier Than May 15

Mid-Year Bonus for Personnel of Covered GOCCs:

The grant of the Mid-Year Bonus to personnel of covered GOCCs shall be
determined by their respective governing boards, subject to the following

  • The provisions on the entitlement/non-entitlement of personnel to the
    Mid-Year Bonus under the Guidelines on the Grant of the Mid-Year Bonus hereof shall be strictly observed.
  • If funds are insufficient, the Mid-Year Bonus may be granted at lower
    rates but at a uniform percentage of the monthly basic pay as of May 15
    of the current year.

Mid-Year Bonus for Personnel of LGUs:

The grant of the Mid-Year Bonus to personnel of provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays shall be determined by their respective sanggunian, subject to the following considerations:

  • The provisions on the entitlement/non-entitlement of personnel to the
    Mid-Year Bonus under the Guidelines on the Grant of the Mid-Year Bonus hereof shall be strictly observed.
  • The Personnel Services limitation in LGU budgets under Sections
    325(a) and 331(b) of RA No. 7160 or the Local Government Code of
    1991, shall be complied with.
  • If funds are insufficient, the Mid-Year Bonus may be granted at lower
    rates but at a uniform percentage of the monthly basic pay as of May 15
    of the current year.

Definition of Terms:

For purposes of this Circular, the succeeding terms used herein shall have the
following meanings:

  • Monthly basic pay shall refer to the monthly salary for regular and
    contractual civilian personnel; the total daily wages for the twenty-two
    (22) working days a month for casual personnel (equal to the monthly
    salary of a regular personnel); the monthly base pay for the military and uniformed personnel; and the monthly honoraria for non-salaried
    barangay officials and employees.
  • The total or aggregate service required from government personnel
    for purposes of the grant of the Mid-Year Bonus shall include all actual
    services rendered, whether continuous or intermittent, while occupying
    a regular, contractual, or casual position in the national and/or local
    government, including leaves of absence with pay.

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For more information, refer to Budget Circular No.2017-2 by clicking through this link BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. 2017-2 (

Source: BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. 2017-2 (

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