The DILG Suspended 89 Barangay Captains

The DILG Suspended 89 barangay captains because of corruption

Since the first tranche of the Social Amelioration Program or the SAP, issues about it have been raised. The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) found certain anomalies and mishaps in the SAP distribution. Because of this, the … Read more

50,000 Contact Tracers Wanted by the DILG

50,000 Contact Tracers Needed by the DILG

Contact Tracing has proven its effectiveness and efficiency in the COVID-19 situation we are in now. It has been the solution posed by many countries such as South Korea, Vietnam, and the like; now, they’re able to control the spread … Read more

TESDA Will Produce 50 Million Reusable Face Masks

TESDA Plans to Produce 50 Million Reusable Face Masks

As a part of their assistance, the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) made a promise to provide up to 50 million reusable face masks to help in the controlling and the mitigation of the risks of the virus. … Read more

Wearing Face Masks at Home, Advised by Año

Wearing Face Masks at Home

How would you feel about wearing face masks at home? Do you think that this practice should be observed by all households in the country? Can this actually help in containing the fast-paced spread of the infamous COVID-19 virus? Eduardo … Read more