Application for New DOLE Camp, Now Open Online

Displaced workers can now apply for the new DOLE CAMP

Workers, employees, and staff members from the private sector who have either been affected by the infamous virus; or lost their livelihood may now begin applying online for the Department of Labor and Employment’s second tranche of cash aid through … Read more

19K Jobs Offered in the IT-BPM Industry; OFWs prioritized

19K Jobs Offered in the IT-BPM Industry

There are almost 19K jobs offered in the IT-BPM industry (information technology and business process management) and the applicants prioritized for this work are overseas Filipino workers (OFW) who were displaced from their current jobs due to the coronavirus disease … Read more

DOLE to Propose Deferment of 13th Month Pay

Deferment of 13th Month Pay, Looked Into by DOLE

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) may potentially propose the deferment of 13th month pay. The arising possibility of this is due to the unforeseen impact of the pandemic upon businesses. Instead of the complete disposal of the financial … Read more