DITO Telecom Launches Unlimited and P199 Welcome Offers

DITO Telecom's Welcome Offers

The newest player in the telecommunications industry, DITO, said that they’re rolling out a couple of “unsolicited” and “new” plans that would shake up telecom here in our country. Being the latest and the third (3rd) player in the industry, the company said that they’ll be offering unlimited everything as well as P199 offers. Read: … Read more

Prohibition of Cellphone Use During Class Hours, Iterated by the DepEd

Prohibition of Cellphone Use During Class Hours, Pushed by the DepEd

The Department of Education (DepEd) is the government’s executive body in charge of the basic education (elementary to high school). DepEd Undersecretary Analyn Sevilla explained during an interview about the prohibition of cellphone use what the agency wants for the students and for the parents. She explains that the this act is mandated and is … Read more