Motorcycle Crime Prevention Act — Now a Law

The Motorcycle Crime Prevention Act is now a law!

The Republic Act No. 11235 or also known as the “Motorcycle Crime prevention Act”, which was signed by President Rodrigo Duterte on March 28, 2019 will be in effect. For those of you not in the know, the newly-signed law is explained as the ”act preventing and penalizing the use of motorcycles in the commission … Read more

Extended Validity of Vehicle Registration and Licenses — Announced by the LTO

Extended Validity of Vehicle Registration by the LTO

Are you thinking about the validity of your registration? Worry not because an extended validity of vehicle registration as well as licenses and permits that expired during lockdown has been announced by the Land Transportation Office or more commonly known as the LTO. Yes – you read that right, there’s an extended validity of vehicle … Read more

Easier Driver’s License Examination in Different Philippine Languages


Here in the country, a mixture of more than 100+ languages and dialects can be heard. We have people living in Mindanao, Visayas, and other parts of the country that aren’t used to the standard of regular English and Filipino. Apparently, this is seen as a problem by many driver’s license applicants – they seem … Read more

LTO Driver’s License Exam Reviewer in Tagalog

Driver's License Exam Reviewer in Tagalog

In applying for an driver’s license, you first need to be sure that you will be able to pass the examination that would be administered by the Land Transportation Office (LTO). This written examination is taken by all applicants and is therefore a requirement before you actually be given a thumbs up for a driver’s … Read more

15-Hour Seminar For Student Permits, Will be Required by the LTO

15-hour seminar for student permits to be required by the LTO

Many drivers in the country lack basic discipline like following basic and simple road signs; giving way to motorists and even pedestrians who are in the right of way – the list goes on. This is why the Land Transportation Office (LTO) sought different ways on how they can mend and appease the situation. December … Read more

17-Year-Olds Are Allowed to Get Non-Professional Driver’s License

17-year-olds are actually able to apply for a non-pro license

Many Filipinos believe that the right age to get a license is at 18 years old. In fact, they believe that the legality of the youth here in the country is at 18. But did you know that the Land Transportation Office (LTO) said that 17-year-olds are allowed to get non-pro licenses? Contrary to popular … Read more

LTO Release Partial License Plates from 2016

LTO Release Partial License Plates from 2016

The Land Transportation Office (LTO) is the government’s body in managing and regulating land traffic. With the steady and fast-paced growing of cars in our country, it became unbearable – the LTO was not able to issue license plates accordingly. Back in Mach, the LTO acquired IDeROBOT, the mechanical plate-production machine. It is based in … Read more