The Department of Education (DepEd), is the branch of the government that professionally deals with the country’s schooling system. They specifically deal with the quality and the curriculum of the basic education (from grade school to high school). CHED or The Commission on Higher Education, is the body of the government tasked in dealing with the university and college levels.

In this article, we will be giving you DepEd’s basic education enrollment policy as per the DepEd Order Number 03 series of 2018.
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What is the basic education enrollment policy?
Based on its term, this is the policy for enrollment in the basic education system. The DepEd released the basic education enrollment policy for school year 2018 to 2019 and the following years.
The department did this to systematize the best and the most efficient enrollment process in both private and public schools, state and local universities, and colleges (both SUCs/LUCs) which offer basic education in the whole Philippines.
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We will be giving detail to the following: Late Enrollment, Early Registration, Moved in, Moved out, and the Fees that are involved in the enrollment process.
Late Enrollment
DepEd’s policy in basic education for the late enrollment is that a school can accept a student for late enrollment under a condition.
The learner must be able to meet eighty (80%) percent of the prescribed number of school days for each school year. In addition to that, the student needs to pass the quarterly requirement for the grade level governed by the latest updates from the Department of Education.
Early Registration
Early registration is the condition where a learner becomes a student earlier than the allotted window of enrollment set by the Department of Education.
Early registration of incoming Kindergarten, Grades one (1), seven (7), and Grade eleven (11) students shall be given starting the last Saturday of January to the last Friday of February of every year.
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For learners who are incoming Grades two (2) to six (6), eight (8) to ten (10), and Grade twelve (12), they are going to be considered as pre-registered.
Moved in
Learners who are to be classified as moved in students are learners who are coming from other schools who enrolled in the school in the middle of the school year. Meaning, these students are the students who started the first phases of the school year in a different school and will finish it in another.
Moved out
Learners considered as moved out, on the other hand, are learners who were enrolled in the school previously and will enroll in another school in the middle of the school year.
Most parents ask this question because some schools ask for fees whenever they are going to be enrolled. To finally answer the question, NO FEES ARE GOING TO BE COLLECTED FROM SCHOOL CHILDREN DURING THE TIME OF ENROLLMENT.
The fees that you will be charged might be contributions or membership fees that are collected on a voluntary basis after the enrollment. If you wish to see what these are, you can inquire in the school where you are about to enroll the learner and refer to the latest existing DepEd issuances available.
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NOTE: Non-payment of voluntary contributions shall not restrict the chance of a learner to enroll.
Enrolling in a public school
As per the memorandum, all learners who wish to enroll in public schools shall be accepted upon duly submitting the minimum documentary requirements stated in the latest policy by the DepEd.
Enrolling in a private school
Learners who are to be enrolled in private schools, however, is required to submit the minimum documentary requirements articulated in the DepEd policy. In addition, they need to satisfy and abide to other conditions that the specific institution may require of them. This includes local universities and colleges (SUCs and LUCs); basically all institutions who offer basic education.
The Philippine Educational Placement Test
The Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT), is a complete set of tests which cover five (5) basic subjects useful in the level the learner will be in. These subjects are for accrediting knowledge and for validating the skills of the learners in different academic areas through non-formal and formal means for re-entry into formal schools, job promotions, job training entry, self-fulfillment, and professional employment.
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This is the type of assessment which is observed to see where a specific learner is to be placed depending on the knowledge and skills that learner has.
If you wish to access the exact DepEd Basic Education form, click on this link. Here you will see the exact same document the Department of Education has for their enrollment policy in the basic education department.
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