Application for New DOLE Camp, Now Open Online

Workers, employees, and staff members from the private sector who have either been affected by the infamous virus; or lost their livelihood may now begin applying online for the Department of Labor and Employment’s second tranche of cash aid through the new DOLE Camp (COVID-19 Adjustment Measures Program).

Displaced workers can now apply for the new DOLE CAMP
This image was taken from Gulf News |

Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III said that they were able to develop the system to simplify, make efficient, and digitize the process of submission for the applications of displaced workers.

This is to make sure that everyone is still kept safe, while they’re looking to receive cash aids.

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Aside from improving the efficiency of the process application, Bello made the reports that the Department’s DOLE CAMP was spearheaded by Undersecretary Ana C. Dione along with Assistant Secretary Ma. Teresita S. Cucueco.

The online application service was also created to mitigate the risks of physical contact and ensure the safety of the public and DOLE employees according to the recommendation of the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases and the Department of Health.

The online application for the new DOLE camp may be accessed through

Brief Overview of the New DOLE CAMP

Inclusions of the new DOLE CAMP program are entities and individuals who are:

  1. Establishments under the micro, small, and medium who sent applications for CAMP on or before the 15th of April, year 2020 but was not able to receive cash aid or assistance under BAYANIHAN 1;
  2. Private establishments, which weren’t in the category of micro, small, and medium businesses and establishments but sent applications for the CAMP on or before the 15th of April 2020, but was not able to receive any cash aid or assistance under the BAYANIHAN 1;
  3. First time applicants of the BAYANIHAN 2 that aren’t in the categories of small, micro, and medium businesses and establishments; and
  4. Other private entities and establishments not in the category of small, micro, and medium businesses that are looking to apply for the BAYANIHAN 2 for the first time.

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New DOLE CAMP Application

The DOLE is looking to inform the public on the steps they need to complete the transaction they’re looking for:

  1. Access the website via the link given above or at
  2. Choose “Apply for CAMP Financial Assistance”
  3. Then, select the application that you prefer among the three:
    • Apply as Establishment;
    • Apply as DOT Accredited Establishment; and
    • Displaced and Temporarily Laid-off Workers.

NOTE: If you will be applying as an establishment, you’ll have the requirement to have an ERS account or an Establishing Reporting System or to register first. You need to do this before proceeding with the application.

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If you will be applying as a laid-off worker, you will simply answer the data that the system is requiring. When you have already successfully applied for the new DOLE CAMP, you will now be able to monitor or track the progress of your application.

Guidelines of the New DOLE CAMP

DOLE published Department Order (DO) No. 218 Series of 2020, or “Guidelines on the Implementation of COVID-19 Adjustment Measures Program (CAMP) under the BAYANIHAN to Recover as One Act.”

With this, the DOLE-Systems Development Team (DOLE-SDT) that released the online application system for the new DOLE camp will continue to improve the digital system as the country continues to fight against the pandemic and strive to adapt to the new normal.

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In case you have interest in reading the document, you can access it by clicking here.

CAMP Assistance

CAMP, short for COVID-19 Adjustment Measures Program; is a one-time cash assistance of P5,000 to the workers who saw displacement due to the infamous COVID-19.

Moreover, the Department previously made reports that the CAMP was already able to give a total of P5 billion; through the Bayanihan to Recover as One or Bayanihan 2 Law.

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Furthermore, it aims to benefit 993, 432 formal sector workers to help out in their situation.

Displaced and affected workers will also be given extension with employment facilitation services. They would need to fill out the National Skills Registration Program (NSRA). This is like the main and the only requirement they have to attain and/or accomplish.

In addition to that, they will issue an individual Joint Memorandum Circulars that consists of the guidelines regarding the implementation of the program towards the education and tourism sector.

Companies that had no choice but to temporarily or permanently closures may apply in the program; for the place of their workers. However, workers that were individually laid-off must do it separately.

In case you’ve been waiting for this, now’s the perfect chance! Don’t hesitate to attempt to be a part of the new DOLE CAMP! Receive cash and financial assistance from the government!

Source/s: Website of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)

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