DOH Hiring: Job Vacancies of the DOH

DOH Hiring

The Department of Health (DOH), being the executive body of the PH government in relation to access to public healthcare, it’s evident that a lot of people would love to work with them. In a previous article, we informed you … Read more

DOH E-Jobs: Find Out Job Vacancies of the DOH

DOH E-Jobs and how you can find out job vacancies in DOH

The Department of Health (DOH) is one of the primary executive departments of the Philippine government. They are mainly responsible for the public’s assurance of access to quality and basic health care. Some of our countrymen look to secure jobs … Read more

MMDA Wants to Cut the Number of Buses by Half

The MMDA thinks to cut the number of buses in EDSA by 50 percent

We’ve all hear the promise of our dearest President Rodrigo Duterte about him improving the flow of traffic in the infamous EDSA. He said that he can cut the travel time to just five (5) minutes. Along with this, the … Read more