MEXT Japanese Government Scholarship Program 2024 is now open for applications

Here is another good news for all the scholarship hunters out there! As the 2024 MEXT scholarship funded by the Japanese government including the Undergraduate, Research, College of Technology, and Specialized Training College categories is now open for applications!

In case you don’t know, the Japanese government has welcomed Filipinos and other countries from around the world to study there for more than 60 years. Under their six various scholarship schemes, 100 scholars from the Philippines have been sent to study in Japan on average every year for the previous few years. So, if you are interested in studying in the Land of the Rising Sun, you may browse the detailed announcement of Embassy of Japan in the Philippines below.

Who can apply for the scholarship?

All nationality of countries with whom Japan maintains diplomatic relations are eligible for the scholarship programs and that include the Philippines. A candidate who at the time of application was a citizen of Japan is ineligible. However, the Embassy of Japan in the Philippine would only process applications from Filipino nationals.

Applicants will qualify for the program if they are still within the age limit by April 2, 2023.

For Undergraduate– born on or after April 2, 1998

For College of Technology– born on or after April 2, 1998

For Specialized Training– born on or after April 2, 1998

For Research– born on or after April 2, 1988

What are the benefits under the scholarship?

MEXT scholars usually received full tuition exemption, monthly allowance and round-trip airfare from the students’ homes to Japan.

Deadline for document submission is on May 26, 2023.

How to file your application?

For all interested applicants, you may visit the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines’ website at for details on each category.

Or you may also check the Frequently Asked Questions page for further clarifications:

Note that applications will only be processed through the Japan Information and Culture Center, Embassy of Japan.

Source: Embassy of Japan in the Philippines  

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