Are you looking for a program that would fit you and this summer? There are a lot of places you can go to and a lot of jobs you can try. However, these things can aid in your liking to quit school entirely and to just work. Good news! Because the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), announced that they will have a program that can cater to students from the ages seventeen (17) to twenty-five (25).

In this article, we will be giving you details about MMDA summer jobs from the requirements to the things you can expect in the summer job offered by MMDA.
Celine Pialago, MMDA Spokesperson, said that around a total of 250 jobs which comprises of clerical work and administrative jobs and positions will be open and available to high school and college students this summer. This program, as per the Spokesperson, is actually a part of the Special Program for the Employment of Students (SPES) and that the agency’s summer internship program can be enhanced to its full potential.
What is the Special Program for the Employment of Students or the SPES?
Based on what it’s called, the Special Program for the Employment of Students or SPES is a program which aims to give the poor but hardworking and deserving learners a learning experience in the government service. Out-of-school youths are included in this program and the agency will be giving these people a different chance at life – by giving them the opportunity to try and be part of the government service.
Not only will this hone the students’ working ethics, this can also provide a good chance to the youth to learn and to experience working in the public sector. If you are thinking that they won’t earn anything since it’s a program, think again.
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This program will not just provide experience, but the MMDA will also allocate funds to people who will be part of the program so that they can have the appropriate assistance for them to continue their education.
Republic Act (R.A.) 9547 states that entities with an objective to develop the intellectual capacities of children in poor families and harness their potentials are allowed and are being promoted by both the government and their people.
Are there requirements to take part in the MMDA Summer Jobs?
Of course, not all Filipinos can apply. Since the program aims to help children of poor families, there are certain eligibilities that people need to take note of.
High school graduate
If the applicant is a high school graduate, a photocopy of his or her present Form 138 should be submitted. Their grade needs to be at at least 75 percent which is the passing grade.
College level applicants
On the other hand, if the applicant is currently in college, he or she should present and submit the present report card or the records that student has currently.
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In addition to that, applicants must also submit the following:
- Latest Income Tax Return (ITR) of the parents (if the applicant is considered to be part of the out-of-school-youth);
- A photocopy of the applicant’s PSA-certified birth certificate (if you bring an original, that is better);
- Certificate of good moral character (taken from the barangay chairperson in the place of residence of the applicant)
What if the parents of the applicants are informal workers?
In the event that the parents and/or guardians of the applicant are informal workers like plumbers, vendors, carpenters, and the like, a barangay certificate or a barangay clearance would be required from them.
If this is the case, no need for the applicant to submit an ITR or any proof of income. They just need a certificate or a clearance from the barangay in the applicant’s and his or her guardians’ place of residence.
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How can applicants apply in the MMDA Summer Jobs program?
If some of you have any interest in applying for this specific program, you can get application forms straight from the main office of the MMDA in Makati, City. In submitting required documentation, that would also be where an applicant can present the documentation being asked from them to be able to apply successfully to the MMDA Summer Jobs program.
MMDA Address Head Office:
Epifanio De Los Santos cor. EDSA, Guadalupe Nuevo, Makati, 1212, Metro Manila.
Should you require assistance or information from the help desk of the Metro Manila Development Authority, you can give them a call in their Administrative Service at 882-4155 to 77 local 1072/1073.
Alternatively, you can visit their website at if you want more information about the agency, the program, and about what their offers are, overall.
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Salary of the MMDA Summer Jobs
Now, this is what most of you are waiting for. Of course, the reason why you’re reading this is because you might be interested or you might know someone who is. So, if you initially thought that this is going to be a “free job,” then think again.
Students who would be part of this program and will work as an administrative or clerical employee, will earn P537.00 daily. This is considered the minimum wage set for workers in the Metro Manila region.
Who would pay the students if they partake in the MMDA Summer Jobs?
As per the agency, the would be paying sixty (60) percent of the students’ salary. How about the remaining forty (40) percent, you may ask? Well, this will be shouldered by the labor department of the country or the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).
This way, they’ll be able to take care of the students who will be working with the MMDA part-time.
How long would this be?
As per Celine Pialago, MMDA’s Spokesperson, the agency’s summer internship program would last for a total of one (1) month. Meaning, students will get to enjoy being part of the public sector for thirty (30) days.
However, there might be announcements like extending this program; there are currently no announcements yet but we can surely make the assumption. Nevertheless, this will be great help to students who are looking to have something to do in the summer.
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Are you interested in applying and trying for the MMDA Summer Jobs? Or do you know someone who might need this kind of experience? If yes, then what are you waiting for? Visit the MMDA Main Office in Makati, inquire there and get the application form as soon as you can!
Remember, there are only 250 jobs which consist of both administrative and clerical work!