Senator Christopher “Bong” Go expressed the need for an immediate e-governance rollout or electronic governance this Sunday, July 12, 2020. This is to guarantee a more effective response system to the public in the midst of the coronavirus disease or COVID-19 pandemic.

In modifying the government processes; Bong Go gave the urgency to the Department of Information and Communications Technology or DICT; along with other agencies to prioritize the development of e-governance systems.
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This will create a more efficient, more effective, easily accessible and faster system for the public – beneficial during the current situation.
During these times where nearly everyone is transitioning to online, from e-governance to e-commerce to online learning, it’s important that our country will not be left behind in transitioning to the digital age.”
Limited Physical Interactions
Because of the current situation of the pandemic we are in; physical interaction and face-to-face transactions are limited in government offices, citizens, businesses and public transport, while some are even prohibited to operate.
This brings the e-government rollout to the top of the best changes we can have.
In addition to that, the need for a new system in the government to roll out an electronic service to the public; which is also beneficial in other sectors other than government.
Senator Go sent his thoughts about the importance of the e-government rollout. That it’s going to be effective and efficient in our time now.
Because of COVID-19, transactions that used to be done face to face must evolve. So it is important that the government also transition. We should adopt more efficient, responsive and modern ways of transacting with our citizens. This will effectively make the government more in tune to the changing times.”
Bong Go firmly believes that the people can be better service; they can be brought closer to the government once e-governance rolls out to the public. A modern solution for times like a pandemic will not only make the public’s lives easier but also safer.
He also mentioned that Filipinos have been complaining of the bureaucratic practices of the government had always delayed the response and deliver of basic services.
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Financial and Documentary Needs
In addition to that, he also said that government transactions are still necessary for the people to get the assistance they need for both financial and documentary needs; regardless of the fact that most of the public and private operations, including public transport saw suspension for months due to the pandemic.
Building should fully utilize both information and communications technologies; not just a new way of life but also a better living situation for our countrymen.
He said that governance can use this electronic means in the best levels; and that these are government-to-government or G2G, government-to-citizen or G2C and government-to-business or G2B transactions.
Due to the pandemic, G2G processes, such as transactions between two government agencies, are heavily hampered because we are physically limited by the social distancing and quarantine protocols in place to contain the spread of the virus.”
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“No Need” for Physical Visits
If the government adheres to an e-governance rollout; the public will no longer need to physically visit different government agencies to transact and get the service they need. The public will simply visit a website or an online platform to get the assistance they need.
Lastly, he put weight about establishing an e-governance between government and business transactions; saying that this will greatly affect and ensure the economic stability of the country and provide a smooth transaction for business owners even during the pandemic.
However, he said that such plans will only be feasible if the country has a reliable internet access. Looking at what we have now, it will be a challenge to both the people and the government.
The Philippines ranked 63rd out of 100 countries in the 2020 Inclusive Internet Index conducted by UK-based The Economist Intelligence Unit. The Index assesses internet availability, affordability, relevance and readiness using multiple indicators.”
E-Government Rollout – Is it Really Needed?
He then made the recall back in 2016; back when President Rodrogo Duterte tapped the DICT in improving internet speed connection and coverage.
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Have we addressed the President’s call? We want to find out the specifics not just regarding the plans; but also regarding the progress we have made as a country when it comes to transitioning to e-governance.”
What do you think about the plan of rolling out an e-government in the country? Do you think that this will spark a better experience for us and our country?