Angels on Earth Foundation Scholarship Program 2023 is now open for applications

Are you still looking for a scholarship to fund your college study? How lucky this generation is, because there are scholarships being offered by various entities in the country for their education. Though they are typically given out based on a number of factors, including academic excellence and financial need. 

Well, the generosity of scholarships also varies; some pay only a portion of the cost of tuition while others offer a “full scholarship,” which includes all fees as well as housing, food, and other expenses.

In this matter, the Angels on Earth Foundation, a private and non-profit organization founded in 2009 for the benefit of less fortunate kids and their family has posted in their Facebook account that they are currenly looking for scholars!

According to their post, the Angels on Earth Foundation provided funding for the AOE Scholars Program, which provides teacher education scholarships to graduating Grade 12 students who have excelled academically in high school.

What are the benefits under the scholarship?

If accepted, the scholarship will help students cover their college costs including but are not limited to tuition fees, transportation, uniform, and allowances.

What are the necessary documentary requirements?

As per the announcement, scholarship applicants must be nominated by their High School Principal and must submit the following requirements prior to their Interview.

  1. Letter of Intent by the Applicant (includes biography, and the intent to study and finish college education)
  2. Recommendation Letter from HS Principal
  3. Certificate of Good Moral Character
  4. Certification of General Weighted Average Grade of 85 and above (to follow is ok)

How to file your application?

The AOE foundation requires the ineterested applicants to submit the application requirements enclosed in a brown envelope through Leah Adam of Bangbang, Gasan, Marinduque starting February 27, 2023 until March 7.

You can also e-mail the requirements at [email protected] until end of March 2023.

Additionaly, face to face Interview will be held on Balar Hotel this March 4, Saturday from 1pm-onwards.

Source: Angels on Earth Foundation

Note: All of our scholarship articles are for informational purposes only. We are not directly related to the entities being featured. The source/s are indicated at the end of every articles so you can further check the legitimacy of our posts.

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