Vicsal Foundation Inc. College Scholarship program is now open to accept applications for SY 2023-2024.

In February 20, 1996, Victor and Sally Gaisano (acronym VICSAL) together with their children (Margaret, Jack, Edward and Frank) decided to organize Vicsal Foundation, Inc. (VSF) as an expression of Corporate Social Responsibility of the Vicsal group of companies, a way of giving back to the community in consideration for the blessings that they have received from the successful operation of their businesses.

Vicsal Foundation envisions a society where the underprivileged citizens become productive through education and be an asset to the community where Vicsal Development Corporation operates.

Thus, for those graduate or graduating Senior High school students who are still looking for a scholarship to fund their study, you are in luck, because the Vicsal Foundation Inc. College Scholarship program is now open to accept applications for SY 2023-2024.

Who can apply for the scholarship?

Interested applicants are required to meet the following qualifications:

  1. Must be a graduate or graduating student of any public Senior High shool.
  2. Must have a general average not lower than 88%.
  3. Must have no grade per subject lower than 80%.
  4. Must be of good moral character and possess leadership skills.
  5. Annual Gross Income of both parents/guardians must not be more than Php 300,000 or for a family with single earner of not more than Php 150,000.
  6. Must not accept any scholarship grants while enlisted in this scholarship.

What are the benefits under the scholarship?

A VSF scholar will enjoy the following:

  1. Full payment of tuition and other school fees per semester as billed by the Accouncting Office
  2. Monthly allowance of Php 2,500
  3. Book allowance of Php 3,000 per semester
  4. Graduation fee reimbursement up to Php 2,000 for scholar-graduates
  5. Choice of specialization in Accountancy, Business Administration and Engineering

Application Period: February 1- March 31, 2023.

How to file your application?

For all interested applicants, kindly secure an application form from Vicsal Foundation Inc. Office located at Vicsal building, cor of W.O. and C.D. Seno Sts. NRA, Mandaue City or you may download it from

Submit accomplished form and other requirements (refer to the back portion of the application form) to Vicsal Foundation, Inc. office or to any of the following:

  1. Any Metro Gaisano Retail Stores c/o Customer Service Center
  2. Metro Fresh and Easy Customer Service Center
  3. Scholarship offices of USC, USJR, CIT-U

Note: Kindly submit only the certified true copy/photocopy of the documentary requirements (please see application form). VSF will no longer return the requirements/documents once submitted.

For more information, call 236-8390 local 248.

Source: Vicsal Foundation. Inc.

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