Bangsamoro Assistance for Science Education (BASE) Program SY 2022-2023

The Bangsamoro Assistance for Science Education (BASE) Program application has been opened by the Ministry of Science and Technology’s Science Education, Scholarships, Grants and Awards (SESGA) Section for the school year 2022-2023. The section encouraged the youth to enroll in college-level Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics courses. This is MOST’s third batch of BASE cash aid for the year.

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The goal of the aid was to encourage and lure Bangsamoro youth to pursue long-term professions in science and technology. The ministry aspires to maintain a continuous and appropriate supply of qualified science and technology human resources, guiding the country toward national progress.

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Who can avail the BASE program?

The program is for:

  • Incoming first-year college students who intend to take STEM strand courses.
  • Non-STEM strand who belongs in the top 5 of their graduating class.

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What are the criteria and requirements to qualify for the assistance program?

  • Naturally-born Filipino citizen, a resident of BARMM for at least six (6) months, attained 85% general average for the 1st semester;
  • With good moral character and in good health;
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strand senior high school graduating class;
  • Member of the top five percent (5%) of the Non-STEM strand senior high school graduating class;
  • Less privileged, a deserving student who belongs to a family whose socio-economic status does not exceed the set values of specific indicators (not more than Php 250,000.00 annual family income or Php 350,000 for more than four children));
  • Not a recipient of other scholarship programs;
  • Do not have any post-secondary or undergraduate units; and
  • Must pass the BASE Program Examination and pursue a Bachelor of Science degree program in any of the priority fields of the state university or colleges in any private higher education institution recognized by the Commission on Higher Education.

Read: PHINMA Scholarship Program SY 2022-2023

What are the benefits of the BASE program?

Eligible awardees will receive monthly cash assistance amounting to Php 8,000.00. The grant shall be deposited into the awardee’s bank account every last week of the month from the starting month of the 1st semester, class of the school year 2022.

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Application Process:

The evaluation result on the application for either manual and online application or the list of qualifiers who can take the qualifying examination will be posted on the MOST FB Page and website.
The ministry also set up an online application to have easy access to registering and submitting pertinent documents. However, the original documents must be submitted/mailed to MOST Regional or Provincial Offices.
Interested applicants may apply online through The application’s deadline is June 3, 2022, and the qualifying exam will be June 20-24, 2022. Also, click this link to download the application form.
If you have concerns, email them at [email protected] or contact Mr. Andy K. Husain at this number 09758371912.
Source: Ministry of Science and Education

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