End of Endo Act, Approved by the Senate

Senate Pass Endo Bill

One of the main fears of Filipino workers is that their contract will expire. This is true especially for workers who work in an unstable industry. So, the action of the Philippine government in accordance to that is to help … Read more

This is How OFWS can get their OFW ID Cards


Our dearest President Rodrigo Duterte has made a lot of positive modifications and changes in both local workers and overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). One of the most notable things is that his idea of prevailing the OFW ID cards. In … Read more

10-Day Paid Leave Being Pushed in the Senate

10 day paid leave

As workers here in the Philippines, we are entitled to have vacation, sick, and emergency leaves. However, as per the Labor Code, our employer is the one to decide on how many leaves we will have. So, we are out … Read more