The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) launched the newest and the most sought after P5,000 banknote. This was in honor of the 500thanniversary of the "Victory at Mactan." Furthermore, the P5,000 banknote also kicks off the 99-day countdown to its exact anniversary this 2021. Read: Filipinos are Eligible for US H-2B Visas Again Francisco Dakila, […]
Public Info
Filipinos are Eligible for US H-2B Visas Again
Filipinos can now again apply for H-2B visas after the US Citizenship and Immigration Services announced the lifting of a ban set a year ago. For 2021, the acting secretary of homeland security and the secretary of state has agreed to add the Philippines to the list of countries eligible to participate in the H-2B […]
Registration of PhilSys in Provinces is Set, Jan. 18, 2021
After the many rescheduling moments of the Philippine Identification System's (PhilSys's) registration, the time has come. The Philippine Statistics Authority, more commonly known as the PSA, said that the registration of PhilSys in provinces is set tomorrow, the 18th of January, 2021. Rosalinda Bautista, the Deputy National Statistician and PSA Assistant Secretary said that her […]
P300 Communication Allowance, Requested by Teachers From the DepEd
Just recently, the Department of Education (DepEd) made an announcement that they'll be providing a P300 communication allowance for teachers. This happened after the announcement that the basic education will utilize blended or distance learning; which is both students and teachers' safety from the infamous COVID-19. The P300 communication allowance, as per the DepEd, will […]
TESDA Job Vacancies: How You Can See Vacancies Available
The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), announced several TESDA job vacancies you can take advantage of. Today, we'll be looking at that! But, that doesn't end there – we're also offering you the chance of learning how you can find other vacancies as well! TESDA is looking to expand and to reach further […]
The Philippines to Get 148 Million COVID-19 Shots For Filipinos
Are you getting scared about us not being able to get any type of COVID-19 vaccine? Think again! The Philippine-government is actually preparing to order or get 148 million COVID-19 shots for most of the country's population. Carlito Galvez, Chief of the Philippines' strategy to fight COVID, a former general, said that the government is […]
Metro Manila Cities That Announced COVID-19 Vaccine Projects
BREAKING: Many news reports have given details about the looming COVID-19 vaccine that could possibly be the end of our year-long pandemic. As a matter of fact, there have been a lot of discussions going on; from our country not being eligible for the vaccine because of certain instances – to certain ties and loyalties […]