Looking for scholarship opportunities in Taiwan or in other countries? Look no further as the Department of Science and Technology-Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) through its Foreign Graduate Scholarship Program offers vast opportunities for your academic and research journey in various specialized priority fields in Science and Technology.
Who can apply for the scholarship?
The scholarship shall be open to all Filipino citizens who are in their first five years of their research career (measured from the date when the applicant obtained his/her baccalaureate degree) and meet the eligibility requirements.
An applicant must:
- be a Filipino citizen;
- not be more than 50 years old at the time of application;
- be in good health condition;
- pass the admission requirements for graduate studies in a foreign university with good track record;
- pass the interview and other screening procedures; and
- align the research interest with the areas/programs identified under the DOST’s Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda (HNRDA).
Note: An Applicant who has already started his/her studies abroad prior to application can no longer apply.
What are the benefits?
If accepted, the scholars will be entitled to the following priveleges:
- School Fees – Actual tuition and other school fees based on Statement of Account or Official Receipt.
- Book Allowance – For prescribed textbooks and essential school supplies to be released as outright grant.
- Thesis/Dissertation Allowance.
- Transportation Allowance – Restricted international one round trip economy fare (start and end of the scholarship period only).
- Pre- Departure Expenses (one time only).
- Monthly Stipend/Living Allowance.
- Relocation Allowance.
- Health/Accident Insurance.
Study Placement:
A scholar must enroll in a foreign university with good track record and/or a recognized higher education/research institution in the specialized field in S&T to be pursued.
Deadline of Application: April 15, 2023
How to file your application?
For more details and how to apply, please visit the official website of Department of Science and Technology, Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) via this link: https://sei.dost.gov.ph/index.php/programs-and-projects/scholarships/postgraduate-scholarships#foreign-graduate-scholarship-program.
For queries and concerns, you may contact the agency via the information below.
- 2nd Level Science Heritage Building, DOST Compound, Bicutan, Taguig City
- Phone Nos.: 83308876
- Mobile No.: 09278868816
- Email: seiforeigngraduatescholarships
Source: DOST-SEI
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