SSS Hiring 2022: Rank-and-File and Executive positions

Good news, just recently, the Social Security System (SSS) announced that they have job openings. As per their announcement, there are job vacancies for both the rank and file and the executive positions.

The SSS is Hiring Plantilla Positions
This image was from the Philippine Information Agency |

You can click here to view the executive positions; and here to view the rank and file posts. So how do you apply? Akin to how you would apply for a regular job posting, you would need to meet the minimum qualifications, as well as have the documentary requirements they’re looking for.

List of Rank and File Vacancies

  • Bookkeeper (PhP 18,622 per month)
  • Fingerprint Specialist (PhP 18,622 per month)
  • Junior Investigator (PhP 18,622 per month)
  • Junior Nurse (PhP 18,622 per month)
  • Accountant (PhP 22,052 per month)
  • Senior Investigator (PhP 22,052 per month)
  • Senior Computer Operator (PhP 22,052 per month)
  • Senior Human Resource Analysts (PhP 22,052 per month)
  • Senior Administrative Assistant (PhP 22,052 per month)
  • Senior Member Service Representative (PhP 22,052 per month)
  • Corporate Executive Officer I (PhP 25,253 per month)
  • Senior Specialist (PhP 28,681 per month)
  • Senior Engineer (PhP 28,681 per month)
  • Human Resource Specialist (PhP 28,681 per month)
  • Junior Actuarial Researcher (PHP 28,841 per month)
  • Legal Researcher (PHP 28,841 per month)
  • Junior Analyst (PHP 28,841 per month)
  • Junior Executive Assistant (PHP 28,841 per month)
  • Junior Auditor (PHP 28,841 per month)
  • Senior Communication Analyst (PHP 28,841 per month)
  • Senior Deputy Sheriff (PHP 28,841 per month)
  • Social Security Officer III (PhP 28,841 per month)
  • Attorney II (PhP 40,869 per month)
  • Supervising Medical Specialist III (PhP 40,869 per month)
  • Junior Technical Assistant (PhP 40,869 per month)
  • Social Security Officer V (PhP 40,869 per month)
  • Policy and Governance Specialist I (PhP 40,869 per month)
  • Corporate Executive Officer III (PhP 40,869 per month)
  • Supervising Medical Specialist III (PhP 60,673 per month)
  • Attorney III (PhP 60,673 per month)
  • Trader III (PhP 60,673 per month)
  • Policy and Governance Specialist II (PhP 60,673 per month)
  • Corporate Executive Officer IV (PhP 60,673 per month)
  • Corporate Executive Officer V (PhP 79,128 per month)
  • Portfolio Manager (PhP 79,128 per month)=

You can check here for complete details

Qualification Requirements

For the qualification requirements, all interested applicants need to qualify for the minimum qualification standards (QS) of the positions. In addition, they need to be compliant to other internal rules as of the date of OPSD assessment. 

Application Requirements

All interested applicants shall apply to one (1) vacancy only. Applicants may however signify their intent to be considered in comparable vacancies with the same qualification requirements should there be the need or opportunity. If with pending applications in previous announcements, position prioritized or preferred shall also be indicated.

Applicants must duly fill out the forms. Must put N/A to items that are not applicable:

  • Two (2) Original Notarized CSC Form 212 or the Personal Data Sheet (PDS) with the most recent passport-sized photo;
  • Two (2) Original Work Experience Sheets; and
  • One (1) Application Form for Promotion or Appointment

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For validation of applications, supporting documents are required such as but not limited to:

  • Transcript of Records and Certificate of Graduation (Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree, if any). For recently completed educational degrees, a certification of completion of all course requirements by the School Registrar may be submitted pending the release of the Official Transcript of Records by the school.
  • Certificate of Eligibility, Bar/Board Rating

For positions requiring training

  • Certificates and Modules of trainings and seminars (relevant only to application)

For positions requiring experience:

  • Certifications/Personnel Orders (PO) of current and previous additional/concurrent designations, if any, (relevant only to application) and accomplishment reports, performance ratings and IPCRs and other documents to support the certifications / POs
  • Employment Certification / Service Record in previous employment, if any, (relevant only to application) and job descriptions certified only by authorized human resource personnel and/or supervisors

NOTE: Only those who file/submit their applications within the deadline shall be considered in the assessment of applicants for the announced vacancies.

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Guidelines for Submission Online

All application will be submitted thru email due to current working conditions and health protocol.

  1. Convert accomplished Application Form and Notarized Personal Data Sheet and all supporting documents you wish to submit in separate PDF Forms: e.g. Application Form.pdf, PDS.pdf, Training.pdf, Cert. of Employment.pdf, Cert of Eigibility.pdf,Transcript of Records.pdf; etc.
  2. Create Applicant Folder with your name as folder/file name. e.g. JUAN DELA CRUZ
  3. Create sub-folder with vacancy code of position being applied for as sub-folder name. e.g. 20ARF0001
  4. Attach PDF copies of the forms and all documents in the sub-folder.
  5. Email your Applicant Folder in Zipped form to [email protected] with Subject: Your Name and Vacancy Code
    The [email protected] is the official SSS mailbox for external applications, please do not send to other email addresses.
  6. Kindly print and keep two original hard copies of the notarized Personal Data Sheet with Work Experience Sheet as these may be required for submission later.

Read: About 4,000 Available Jobs for Displaced OFWs

Deadline of Application

As per the SSS, the deadline for applications would be on the 12th of January. If you show interest to any of the posts, apply now!

Don’t waste time and get the chance to work with the Social Security System!

For other queries and concerns, you may contact the following SSS-HR, OPSD employees thru Tel. Nos. (632) 8709-7198:

Local 5472/5574 – Ms. Sally Magsino-Valencerina/Mr. Lorenz Francis Junsay
Local 6306 – Mr. Mike Arcena

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What do you think about the positions that they’re looking for? If you’ve been wanting to work with them, do it now!


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