SSS Maternity Benefits Could Reach 70,000 Per Member

As we all know, the Social Security System (SSS) of the Philippines is existent to provide assistance to working members of the society. It could be to aid the people in poverty, those who need temporary financial assistance, soon-to-be-mothers, those who are sick, the usual types of people who need financial aid.

SSS Maternity Benefits, Improved Starting January 2020
This image was taken from the UNFPA Philippines |

In terms of maternity benefits, the SSS allows soon-to-be-mothers a privilege to get an amount that they could use for assistance should they need it—for personal and for support of their child.

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A recent announcement made by the Department said that the maximum SSS maternity benefits could have a maximum of P70,000.00 starting January of the year 2020. How good and beneficial is that?

Aurora Ignacio, SSS President and Chief Executive Operator (CEO) said that this move is just based on the recent implementation of the Republic Act (R.A.) 11210 or most commonly known as the Expanded Maternity Leave Act as well as the SSS Act of 2018.

Why would a member get higher SSS benefits?

As most members might have noticed, the monthly premium contributions, based on the recent update, saw an increase. Why? Because this is to pave way for higher and much more valuable SSS benefits received by members. In addition to that, it’s also because of the fact that there is now a maximum monthly salary credit and that is what SSS members are currently following.

You can read about the new SSS contribution matrix here: The New and Updated SSS Contribution Table to be Effective in April 2019

According to Ignacio, because of this, the amount that a mother will get will be doubled from the current amount they are receiving from the SSS maternity benefits which is P32,000.00. Can you imagine the benefit this does to mothers? How helpful could this new implementation be?

How many females did this Expanded SSS Maternity Leave benefited?

According to the data from the SSS, around 122,000 females members of the Department were able to enjoy the new 105-day leave through the new SSS maternity benefits provided by the newest update.

Take note, the implementation of the new SSS maternity leave benefit only took place on March the 11th of this year.

Read: SSS Benefits Available for their Members

We are happy to report that we have assisted about 122,571 female members of SSS during their pregnancy from January to April 2019.”

As per Ignacio, the new SSS maternity benefits from January of this year until April took around P2.67 billion—15.09 percent higher than the amount it had the year before.

Furthermore, she added that mothers who gave birth starting the exact official day of the new implementation benefited from it. If we think about it, these are a thousand women and they were able to enjoy this newest update from the SSS.

Those who gave birth starting March 11, 2019 when the 105 day-expanded maternity leave law (Republic Act 11210) took effect have benefited from the longer period of recuperation, after giving birth and a longer time to take care of their newborns.”

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How would new SSS maternity benefits impact those who are not in the employed status?

Of course, we and soon-to-be-mothers should be aware of how much they would get even if they are not in the employed status. Ignacio made this clarification on how it would impact those who are voluntary members of the agency.

Employers who have paid in advance the corresponding adjustment in maternity benefit to their qualified female employees in accordance with RA 11210, they have to submit to SSS a proof of advance payment with their letter request for adjustment and a photo copy of solo parent ID — if applicable.”

She said that OFW workers, self-employed and voluntary members, and those who have paid differently, would see a slight difference.

For self-employed, voluntary members, OFW workers, members separated from employment — payment of differential shall be made through banks or through checks as the case maybe. Based on the initial settlement of the maternity claim, SSS started paying the differential due self-employed and voluntary members on June 13.”

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These new SSS maternity benefits would really be a strike of happiness to and relief to those who are to-be-moms—especially from the financial side of it starting January of the year 2020. So, mothers should remember all of the details that revolve around the new rules regarding the new SSS maternity benefits so that they can be provided better and a much more beneficial claim.

The expanded maternity benefit is part of the seven (7) types of benefits under the newest SSS law or the Republic Act (R.A.) 11199 or the Social Security Act of 2018. We are hoping that other benefits would be improved in the months to come.

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