Tobacco Tax Hike to have a 70 pesos increase per pack, Pushed to be in Effect


When Duterte’s Administration came into effect, one of their goals is to increase the tax of vices like alcoholic beverages and tobacco. This is known as the House Bill 5727 or more commonly known as the Sin Tax Bill. What this looks to have is the restructuring of taxes in tobacco goods and alcoholic drinks. Just recently, … Read more

Philippine Space Agency Can Be Real Soon


The Philippines, as much as possible, has its hands away from anything to do with the universe. Why? Because these types of projects and expeditions are taken care of by richer, first-world countries. However, since last year, the Philippines is attempting to improve in terms of space and technology. An update from the Philippine Senate … Read more

PSA, Davao to be One of the First to Roll Out the National ID Registration

National ID

As most might have known, our country’s governance wants to implement better and easier services for employees. It has been a dilemma for people who are looking for a job to secure a lot of government-verified identification and the like. This is why our dear President Rodrigo Duterte signed the Republic Act (R.A.) 11055 or also … Read more

New Rules for Motor Vehicle Purchasing by the DBM

New Rules for Motor Vehicle Purchasing as per the DBM

The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) is one of the departments of the Philippines tasked to handle whatever the country has for its budget. More so, they strive to work and make whatever resources the countries have to be used for advantage. Just recently, the department issued some guidelines on the procurement and the … Read more

Higher SSS Sick and Retirement Benefits and Savings for OFWS, Possible

gen6 OFWs

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), if you aren’t aware, also pays or abides to their monthly premium contributions. In fact, they can obtain the same benefit, privileges, and rewards, local workers get. Good news for people working abroad; the Social Security System (SSS) pushes to have the finalization of the better and higher SSS sick and … Read more

Where Can I Find the CSE-PPT Testing Center I am Assigned to?

2023 Civil Service Exam schedule

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) is one of the departments that matter when an individual is being tested to be fit to work for the government. The Civil Service Examinations for Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT) is one of the sought assessments that people look forward to because it is their key pass whether or … Read more

COMELEC’s Online Precinct Finder is Now Available For Use

Online Precinct Finder

In a few days’ time, it’ll be the elections and both candidates and voters are ready for their picks. Politicians are on the move in making what they want and need happen; this, of course, can happen with the help and cooperation of the voters. If you are a voter, then you need to be … Read more