Have you ever dreamed of working for the government? To service the workers in the private sector of the Philippines? Although it’s a tough bout, a lot of folks actually dreamed of working in the government because of the benefits, perks, and other things that workers in the private sector don’t get. If you’re interested, […]
Pag-IBIG Fund
Pag-IBIG’s Loan Policies Relaxed to Help Members
Just recently, the state housing fund or more commonly referred to as the Pag-IBIG reported the increase in the loans. The increase ranged from the regular Multi-Purpose Loans or the MPL; Housing Loans; and the like. Eduardo D. del Rosario, the head of the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development or the DSHUD as […]
You Can Now Do the Pag-IBIG Fund Cash Loan Application Online!
If there’s one thing that most, if not all Filipinos need today, it’s financial assistance. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Filipinos have been laid off from their professions – and the current situation isn’t making things any better. To respond to this, several government departments and agencies are on the move to provide […]
Pag-IBIG Housing Loans Rise Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
Pag-IBIG housing loans rise as per the last two months as government officials pointed out the consistent reparations to the agency’s loan programs while making sure that services are widely accessible to members despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Secretary Eduardo D. del Rosario, forefront of the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD) and the […]
Apply For The Pag-IBIG Calamity Loan Online
The Pag-IBIG Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) recently made a couple of announcements as regards their assistance to workers amid the threat of the infamous 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). One of which was their decision to provide a three-month moratorium for all loans. In addition to that, they also said that they are open to […]
You Can Avail a Pag-IBIG Calamity Loan P20K Up Depending on Your Contribution
Ever since the news broke out about the 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) being a state of calamity, thousands, if not millions of people from all over the nation panicked. What follows that is a series of quarantine sessions, an enhanced quarantine imposition in the island of Luzon. That being said, thousands of people lost their […]
Three-Month Moratorium to All Loans, Pag-IBIG Fund
Italy, one of the countries in the world to first declare a lockdown after the outbreak of the 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19); they are also one of the first few countries to declare that all of the commercial establishments’ operations must stop – it is a country that is determined to put an end to […]