Here is an overview of the CHED-UniFAST (TES) slots for the Fiscal Year 2023. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Unified Student Financial Assistance System for Tertiary Education (Unifast) have collaborated to offer this educational opportunities through the Tertiary Education Subsidy (TES) program.
According to CHED-UniFAST Memorandum Circular No. 05, series of 2023, the allocation of TES slots for the current fiscal year, shall include those student applicants in AY 2021-2022 in Private HEIs excluding PNSL (Place with No SUC/LUC) and the NEW slots for AY 2023-2024 include student applicants from public SUCs and LCUs and private HEIs including PNSL. The call for submission of applications for NEW slots is yet to announce by the agency.
REMINDER: Please remember that applications for UniFAST are not accepted through walk-ins or online at their offices. Instead, you need to apply through its availability in your current school.
TES Slots for FY 2023
Student Applicants in AY 2021-2022 Private HEIs (excluding PNSL)
For the remaining continuing budget of 2022, priority shall be given to student applicants uploaded in the TES Online Portal during the Academic Year 2021-2022 in Private HEIS ranked based on the latest Listahanan.
- AY 2022-2023 2nd semester: P20,000.
- AY 2023-2024 onwards: P20,000 per academic year or P10,000 per semester.
Additional Subsidy for Qualified Grantees:
- TES 3B (for Licensure/Board Examination): P8,000 one-time reimbursement.
Considered as continuing
TES grantee until graduation.
Qualified applicants are validated using 2nd Semester of AY 2022-2023 school document:
- Certificate of Enrollment
TES Slots for Current FY 2023 Budget Student Applicants in AY 2021-2022 PNSL HEIS
Student applicants uploaded in the TES Online Portal during the AY 2021-2022 from Private HEls located in cities and municipalities with no existing SUCs or LUCS (PNSL)
- AY 2022-2023 2nd semester: P40,000
- AY 2023-2024 onwards: P20,000 per academic year or P10,000 per semester.
Additional Subsidy for Qualified Grantees:
- TES 3B (for Licensure/Board Examination): P8,000 one-time reimbursement.
Considered as continuing TES grantee until graduation
Qualified applicants in PNSL HEls are validated using 2nd Semester of AY 2022-2023 Certificate of Enrollment. They also have to submit a Certificate of Residency as required.
New TES slots are equally divided between student applicants from public (SUCs and LUCs) and private HEIs including PNSL. All applicants are cross-matched and ranked using the latest Listahanan.
- AY 2023-2024 onwards: P20,000 per academic year or P10,000 per semester.
Additional Subsidy for Qualified Grantees:
- TES 3A (for PWD Grantees): P10,000 per AY/P5,000 per semester.
- TES 3B (for Licensure/Board Examination): P8,000 one-time reimbursement.
Considered as continuing TES grantee until graduation.
- Certificate of Enrollment PWD ID (if applicable)
TES Slots for FY 2023
For CONTINUING TES GRANTEES from AY 2020-2021 for FY 2023
- P40,000 per academic year or P20,000 per semester.
- P60,000 per academic year
or P30,000 per semester.
Additional Subsidy for Continuing TES Grantees from AY 2020-2021:
- TES 3A (for PWD Grantees): P30,000 per AY/P15,000 per semester.
- TES 3B (for Licensure/Board Examination): P8,000 one-time reimbursement.
Considered as continuing
TES grantee until graduation.
- Certificate of Enrollment PWD ID (if applicable)
Note: Due to limited available slots and subject to the availability of funds, UniFAST does not guarantee that all student-applicants shall be given subsidy.
Source: UniFAST
How to avail this schoolarship
Manifesting Sana Makuha ako as your TES scholar
How can I apply?